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March Issue of The Sunflower (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation)
Bellona Foundation: Nuclear News In Brief
SPECIAL: Profile on Iran (Nuclear Threat Initiative)

March 21, 2003
World's oldest nuclear power plant to close in UK (Reuters)
March 21, 2003
Russia warns US attack on Iraq could complicate N Korea nuclear standoff
March 21, 2003
Kim Jong II's brinkmanship stoking humanitarian crisis (Time)
March 21, 2003
N Korea says Iraq War Part of Attack Plan (Reuters)
March 20, 2003
N Korea Stymied on Plutonium Work (Wash Post)
March 20, 2003
Sweden to Help Russia Dispose of Nuclear Waste (Rosbalt)
March 20, 2003
The Pentagon's Scariest Thoughts (NYTimes)
March 20, 2003
US Reaps New Data On Weapons (Wash Post)
March 20, 2003
Rowland wants no-fly zone around Indian Point (Advocate)
March 20, 2003
US Probes Possible Threat to Arizona Nuclear Plant (Reuters)
March 19, 2003
Nuclear Industry Doubts War Will Make Power Plants Targets (Morning Call)
March 19, 2003
Security net tightens at US nuclear plants (Reuters)
March 19, 2003
South Australia bans nuclear dump (Courier-Mail)
March 18, 2003
UN Alarm at Iran's Nuclear Program (Guardian)
March 18, 2003
Ratification of US-Russia nuclear arms treaty put of because of Iraq (AP)
March 18, 2003
Nuclear Inspectors Reportedly Angry [at Bush admin.] (Mercury News)
March 18, 2003
Pakistan to Build More Nuclear Power Plants (Pak News)
March 18, 2003
Bush Clings To Dubious Allegations About Iraq (Wash Post)
March 17, 2003
Specter of Asian Arms race looms in shadow of N Korean nuclear program
March 17, 2003
A dirty bomb may not kill, but it sure would hurt (Reuters)
March 17, 2003
Nuclear Train Derailment Forces UK Security Review (Bellona)
March 17, 2003
Activists say drinking + drugs major problem at Russian nuclear facilities
March 17, 2003
Diablo Canyon Power Plant Prime Terror Target (SFChronicle)
March 17, 2003
Removing Nuclear Fuel From Kursk Submarine (Rosbalt)
March 17, 2003
Excerpts from Joint News Conference (NYTimes)
March 17, 2003
Text of UN nuclear agency's statement on weapons inspectors (AP)
March 16, 2003
Cheney Disagrees With IAEA Nuclear Report on Iraq (Reuters)
March 16, 2003
Chernobyl shell in poor condition - Ukraine's nuclear reactor (Hoover's)
March 15, 2003
Atomic Energy Ministry to reinforce protection against terrorists
March 15, 2003
Russia to make uranium-plutonium fuel for nuclear plants (Hoover's)
March 15, 2003
Time, Experience, Plays on UN Inspectors (Las Vegas Sun)
March 14, 2003
US, Russia Quietly Test 'Dirty Bombs' (Newsday)
March 14, 2003
Russia urges Iran to allow inspection of more nuclear facilities (AP)
March 7, 2003
N Korea warns of nuclear disaster in case of US attack (Canadian Press)
March 6, 2003
DOE Stops Hanford Shipments (AP)
March 6, 2003
US won't tolerate nuclear build-up (Pioneer Press)
March 6, 2003
Senate takes up US-Russia arms treaty (Reuters)
March 6, 2003
Democrats Fault Whitehouse Efforts on N Korea (Wash Post)
March 6, 2003
Editorial: Out of the Corner (Wash Post)
March 6, 2003
Liquidation of Milliones of Tonnes of Russia's Nuclear Waste Is Priority
March 6, 2003
China opposes pressure, sanctions on N Korea (Reuters)
March 5, 2003
NRC Issues Annual Assessments for Nation's Nuclear Plants (NRC News)
March 5, 2003
Officials say security at Russian nuclear facilities flawed, more money
needed (AP)
March 5, 2003
Ginna runs drill to test emergency responses (Democrat & Chronicle)
March 5, 2003
Nuke Industry Makes Pitch For Expansion (Las Vegas Sun)
March 5, 2003
NRC: Indian Point plant safety improving, but still lots to do (Newsday)
March 5, 2003
Barriers For California Reactor on Road to Nuclear Graveyard (NYTimes)
March 5, 2003
Foes Giving In To N Korea's Nuclear Aims (Wash Post)
March 5, 2003
EU to help Belarus Create Radiation Protection System (Pravda)
March 5, 2003
Restoring trust in nuclear power a tough task (Daily Yomiuri)
March 5, 2003
Draft House Energy Legislation is a Recipe for Nuclear Disaster (US PIRG)
March 5, 2003
CEZ Workers Decry Uncertainty (Prague Post)
March 5, 2003
Powell: Iraqi compliance fraudulent (Mercury News)
March 5, 2003
State says US reneged on deal to clean up radioactive materials (Seattle
Post Intelligencer)
March 5, 2003
Davis-Besse, one year later (Beacon Journal)
March 5, 2003
Editorial: Nuclear hazard rulings (Asahi Weekly)
March 4, 2003
Kerry criticizes US-Russian nuclear arms deal (AP)
March 4, 2003
Iran Uranium Facility Seen Onstream in Few Weeks (ABCNews)
March 4, 2003
Davis-Besse plant's neighbors fear a community without it (Cleveland Plain
March 4, 2003
Concerned scientists take new swipe at Davis-Besse (News Herald)
March 4, 2003
Bad time for plant shutdown (News Tribune)
March 4, 2003
Protective cap to go on nuclear dump (Knoxvile News-Sentinel)
March 4, 2003
Assuming responsibility for nuclear safety (Mainichi Shimbun)
March 4, 2003
US repositioning bombers near N Korea (USA Today)
March 4, 2003
US Warns N Korea of International Consequences Over Nuclear Moves (VOA)
March 3, 2003
US will wait out N Korea situation (USA Today)
March 3, 2003
6 Given Suspended Prison Terms For Fatal Japanese Nuclear Accident (VOA)
March 3, 2003
Gathering concludes that nuclear power is essential to Japan (Japan Times)
March 3, 2003
Yankee gets boost from voters (Times Argus)
March 3, 2003
UC fighting to retain contract to run weapons labs (Modesto Bee)
March 3, 2003
Three Wisconsin nukes to receive new reactor lids (Reuters)
March 3, 2003
Critical Mass (Brattleboro Reformer)
March 2, 2003
Iran's push for atom energy raises a few eyebrows in US (Boston Globe)
March 2, 2003
Double threat to future of Sellafield (Independent)
March 2, 2003
New Type of Nuclear Reactor Put into Use in Beijing (People's Daily)
March 1, 2003
Schumer: remove nuclear fuel from Cornell (Ithaca Journal)
March 1, 2003
Indian Point is No Threat to the City, Panel is Told (NYTimes)
March1, 2003
Drill might mimic a 'terrorist attack' (Democrat & Chronicle)
March 1, 2003
Border Inspecters Look For Radioactive Materials (NYTimes)
March 1, 2003
Fallout seen from White House nuclear policy (San Francisco Chronicle)
March 1, 2003
Serbian nuclear institute trade union threatens strike over transformation

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