[Q2L] Urgent New York State Alert

any of you guys know anything about this?

Note: forwarded message attached.

"Why doesn't everybody leave everybody else the hell alone?"

Subject: [Q2L] Urgent New York State Alert

Hi All,

This crap is getting out of hand. Please take action
and watch out for these US Sportsman's Alliance freaks
to back similar legislation in your state!

Please forward wide and far especially to people in


Please Contact:



(518) 455-3191 (Bruno)
(518) 455-3341 (Fuschillo)

Ask them to DEFEAT Bill S2996 (KUHL)

Leave your name and address and politely ask for a


The bill in effect designates as terrorists,
investigative journalists, whistle blowers and
individuals who seek to document animal cruelty. It
prohibits a reporter from legally entering an animal
facility to take photographs or make a video recording
if the recording is critical of the facility. It
creates a state-run website displaying the photograph,
name and address of the maligned as "animal and
ecological terrorist" thus categorizing people who
work for the defense of animals in the same type of
category as child molester and sex offenders.

The bill parades as a necessary legal addition to NYS
law. However, our current body of law already contains
provisions for criminal conduct including destruction
of property.

Bill S2996 (Kuhl) makes a mockery of the horrific
tragedy of terrorist attacks on our nation by falsely
linking terrorism with the millions of Americans who
urge that animals be treated humanely. While
purporting to protect the public, the true purpose of
this legislative proposal is to criminalize advocacy
efforts by legitimate animal protection and
environmental organizations and individuals by
restricting freedom of speech and legal advocacy

The origin of the model bill lies with the US
Sportsman's Alliance, an extremist Ohio-based
organization, backed by the Archery Manufacturers
Association, and was drafted to produce a national
legislative campaign in every state in an effort to
attack legitimate animal protection organizations.
(HSUS, Press Release, 2/19/2003)

The bill is a shameful document in its
characterization of animal advocates and
environmentalists as deviants and criminals and its
goal of eliminating both animal abuse investigations
and criticism of people and facilities which abuse
animals. In doing so it also eliminates New Yorkers'
basic rights and ultimately denies the public
representation by their own legislators.

Animal Rights Q and A:

Go Veggie in 2003!:

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