FW: March for peace Saturday in New York City

Saturday, March 22 New York City

At 12 noon on Saturday, March 22nd the people of New York City
will reclaim their right to march in the street. Having been
denied a permit for a march on Feb. 15th, United for Peace and
Justice took the tremendous energy of that day and put it to
work in the organizing of another anti-war protest. Now, as
the president rushes into war against Iraq, we will turn out
in large numbers calling for peace.

As this memo is being written, the world awaits news from
Washington. If Bush begins his war this week the demonstration
will be a critically important time to call for the immediate
end to all military action. If the will of the people of the
world wins out and this war has not been started it will be
one more opportunity to demand it never begins. In either
event, the demonstration on Saturday is extremely important.

Participants in the march will assemble on Broadway south of
Times Square between 42nd Street and 36th Street. In addition,
the side streets from 41st Street to 36th Street and from
Sixth Avenue to Seventh Avenue will be used for people to

The march will proceed south on Broadway, right through the
heart of Manhattan, until is turns west on Waverly Street to
end at Washington Square Park. There will not be a rally at
either the beginning or the end of the march. Instead the
message of tens of thousands of people will be heard and seen
in the chants and songs we sing, in the banners and posters we
carry, in the puppets and marching bands and all of the other
creative ways we communicate our call for peace.

For more information United for Peace and Justice and details
about the 3/22 march, visit the web site: