head for head

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Dyske Suematsu wrote:

> The writer of this site, Vladimir Kovacevic, should start his own net art
> community so that he can see what it is like to start, build, and manage an
> online community like Rhimzome. I would love to see him realize all of his
> ideals in terms of how a net art website should be run. Only then, could I
> respect any of his complaints.

There is nothing "sad" about the complaint.
What's the need for this emotional-jerk as a grand opening?
<throws in a sweeping emotional generalization>
"This is really sad".
Some % of the audience do get saddened (for "reasons" we shan't
discuss), some will feel ashamed (should the writer feel ashamed?),
some will feel disgusted and go away from the entire thing.
In all cases you're attempting to "emotionally flog".
Having flogged the audience emotionally–which usually reduces
their energy and hence ability to discern properly etc (do you feel
how sad it is? dearest audience feel swept away by those energy
sapping emotions–when you're totally dry, you'll become a wise old man
/ woman I promise!) it's like this veil over your eyes–oh dear bride,
ready to be "married" to the truth?)

Why should the writer start his own community?
Should one stop expecting decent doctor service, clothes,
restaurant service, electricity service, etc. because one
is not "involved" in all of these services?

Do you think I should be my own–neurosurgeon, banker, scientist,
heart surgeon, shoemaker, tailor, cook, opera singer, etc. or else
shut up?! Or is "it's a tough job" an excuse to turn around to
lash on whoever would take it, and they should cause it's a tough job?
(Even if it is a tough job, which it isn't. Tribe is merely floating
on the "head" of a current, and what I don't see anyone pointing out
is that not him, nor anyone else is picking up what this current is,
nor did tribe nor anyone involved here pick up that wave when it was
on the sea floor under the surface–and what its *real* nature is.
No, I am not pointing them out and you can talk about this "writer"
too, but you'd be merely wagging your tongue. The recent development
is the crest of the wave and he's already a corpse–and he's riding
a small sub-current too).

> I'm personally thankful that there is a community like Rhizome.

Yes, you "personally" are carrying some masochistic cross–and
labeling it "thankfulness" as these kind of "high labels" slapped
on base actions tend to lead the audience into certain types of
responses–among which those vulnerable to your particular
"disaese" would be re-enflamed, maybe some will be stupid–identify
and be infected even.

There is not an ounce of real gratitude in your post.

> Their member
> agreement is not a secret; you can read it before you sign up. Even their
> salaries are public information.

Yes, and reality is that flat. Don't look at reality,
look at the picture I am trying to show you. Look at that
picture. Meanwhile I'll be mistreating you energetically
until you become so low on energy you can't tell your
toe from your neighbour's, day from night, and shit from
gold, and when I've suckered you enough, I'll punch
you in the face, imprinting you with whatever I want
and making you into a static icon. *Whew*.

Using humans to sucker-punch other humans, it's an old
can of worms.

I eat children for breakfast, but at least I'm honest about it.
Nevermind that they can't tell for themselves, I will keep
pretending that they're doing it of their own free will–that way
I will be absolved of all responsibility.

> So, if you don't like what you see, why sign up?

What are you appealing to with that question?

> Obviously

Said the blind ape. How obviously dearest. Is this what I'm supposed
to see?

> there are people who find Rhizome to be worth $5 a year.

Or people who have be made to think so? Or feel so?
Trained to be that way? You're making a grand under-assumption
that humans are capable of perceiving worth.
Just because you've set up yourselves a society where you exchange
objects for printed papers, and have set up a particular game involving
some rules about the floatation of such pieces–most of the rules
hidden to some "elite" somewhere–or is it? Perhaps it's even
under your noses but you can't see it.

> And, naturally there are those who don't find it useful enough to pay for
> it. The same goes for anything.

Totally. Everything is all the same. I think we should even
remove the paper thing, and start totally making it into a game
involving points and plastic cards. We'll call it pouring empty
into nothing.

> I do not see the point of this crusade against Rhizome.

And? The world revolves around your "I" and what it sees
and doesn't see?

> Did he get ripped off by Rhizome somehow?

One does wonder what's the point of your "crusade" for Rhizome?
Are you going for his head because he did what he did? Actually
why you're going for his head has nothing to do with Rhizome either
because you can't see Rhizome. So what's pushing your self-destruct
crusade? What a strange idea the kamikaze, shame most fancy it lives
only in the Japanese.

> I would remove anything that this writer has ever
> posted on Rhizome, so that he could not complain about copyright issues. If
> he ever made any donation or paid any membership fee, I would pay them back
> to him too.

Yes we're sure you'd remove all that he has written, and his head
and "pay him back" extra.

> It is one thing to give suggestions, but it is entirely another to insult
> someone by calling him greedy and manipulative.

You're greedy and manipulative.

> There is no reason for that.

Yes there is absolutely no reason in your actions at all.

Mr. Mishima would be proud of you.

We can't imagine it's those "evil idiots" in DC / Iraq /
wherever whose fault the war is, ne?

Failing the test.. "admirably".