furtherfield update...

Hi Everyone,

Just redesigned the furtherfield site, still got a few tweeks to twiddle but
all will be fine soon.

If anyone wants us to gives us links - contact us using this email address
[email protected]

We are about a month behind with new featured/hosted artists due to redesign
& extensive and intense negotiations with the BBC, regarding our current
http://www.skinstrip.net project. But we battled through with the help of
'shooting Live Artists' group and all is fine again - BBC were worried that
it was too sexually explicit for the public, especially when they are
uploading their own naked selves (live online). So all is fine and dandy
now. Those who are still wondering where their new work is on furtherfield,
well - patience will have to suffice, cuz we are busy bees and a very small
group working non-stop, plus of course making our own art work (hehe…)

Will publicize the skinstrip project nearer the offcial time march 28th -
but if you are hungry to declare your 'nakedness' to the world. There is an
unofficial launch penned in for march 14th, when we are testing everything
'live' to see if all works out fine.

best wishes to all who are exploring - marc garrett

We Can Make Our Own World.