AutoDidactic: What is the Matter, my Lord?

AutoDidactic: What is the Matter, my Lord?

Deep/Young Anodyne Laboratories is pleased to announce its newest
ethereal exhibit – "AutoDidactic: What is the Matter, My Lord?",
currently housed & viewable at Deep/Young Ethereal Archive via the
aforementioned URL.

"AutoDidactic" is a compendium of autogenerative text engines
accomplishing a variety of novel fancies.

Artists include:
* Selendy Communications
* Florian Cramer
* Andrew C. Bulhack and Josh Larios
* playdamage
* Samuel Stoddard
* Lore Sjoberg
* dack and Leslie Lee
* mnstr_2000
* Jorg Seyfferth

Brief critical commentary is provided by Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
(as Hardy) and Polonius, Lord Chamberlain (as Laurel) [translated
from the Danish by Bill Shakespeare].

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