Newsweek's Iraq Report Falls on Deaf Ears

Newsweek's Iraq Report Falls on Deaf Ears

By Norman Solomon, AlterNet
February 27, 2003

You gotta hand it to America's mass media: When war hangs in the balance,
they sure know how to bury a story.

After devoting thousands of network hours and oceans of ink to stories about
"weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, major U.S. news outlets did little
but yawn in the days after the March 3 issue of Newsweek published an
exclusive report on the subject - a piece headlined "The Defector's

It's hard to imagine how any journalist on the war beat could read the
article's lead without doing a double take: "Hussein Kamel, the
highest-ranking Iraqi official ever to defect from Saddam Hussein's inner
circle, told CIA and British intelligence officers and U.N. inspectors in
the summer of 1995 that after the Gulf War, Iraq destroyed all its chemical
and biological weapons stocks and the missiles to deliver them."