Statement on Iraq * Bristol Labour group

Statement on Iraq * Bristol Labour group

Bristol Labour Group Leader Diane Bunyan today issues
the following
statement on behalf of the Labour Group, Bristol City

"We decided to make a public statement of the Labour
group position on
Iraq because Labour councillors have spoken with many,
many people in
Bristol who want to know where we stand on this
important issue.

"For a democracy to go to war, its' leaders must
present an
overwhelming case for military action as the option of
last resort. While people
in Bristol are anxious to see Saddam Hussein answer
for his human rights
abuses against the Kurds, Shi'ites and even his own
people, they find
it difficult to understand how military action in Iraq
will benefit
international security. And while I support Tony Blair
in his considerable
achievement in bringing the US to consult with the UN,
I feel that it
would be unwise to take military action against Iraq
at this time.

If the UN inspectors report that Iraq has weapons of
mass destruction
and insists on retaining them then it should be for
the UN Security
council to determine what action should be taken and
not the US. There can
be no justification for unilateral military action by

This is a complicated international situation and the
British peace
movement, with active support from Bristol, has become
usefully engaged
with clarifying the issues, and making their views
known. While I
support intervention, I do not support war. I consider
that disarming
Hussein without military action remains an option and
should be
supported with further weapons inspections and more
time. Crucially any
future action in dealing with Iraq must be carried out
by the UN."

>>> Ryan Griffis <[email protected]> 27/01/03 17:32:03
Dear Representatives Benson and Saward,
I am writing you at the suggestion of a citizen of
your district, who feels that your support, or dissent
against, the current leanings of the Blair Labor Party
in support of a US led attack on Iraq are crucial to
the direction of policy in the UK.
As a US citizen, I can tell you that US popular
support for military action is dwindling, while direct
criticism of such action is gaining numbers and
validity. The Bush Administration does not seem to
represent any notion of consensus, whether
international or in terms of our own national
politics. Such political ambitions are imperial at
best and catastrophic at worst. As our own voices and
civil rights are being slowly, but surely, squashed,
it is crucial for representatives of influential
governments (as well global/local grassroots
movements) to vocally oppose US unilateralism.
While the concerned citizen from your district
suggests you resign out of protest, I cannot say the
action you should take, but any form of protest is
welcome, and indeed, necessary.
Thank you for your time.
Ryan Griffis
Citizen, Missouri, USA

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, marc garrett



> Statement on Iraq * Bristol Labour group
> Bristol Labour Group Leader Diane Bunyan today issues
> the following
> statement on behalf of the Labour Group, Bristol City
> Council.
> "We decided to make a public statement of the Labour
> group position on
> Iraq because Labour councillors have spoken with many,
> many people in
> Bristol who want to know where we stand on this
> important issue.
> "For a democracy to go to war, its' leaders must
> present an
> overwhelming case for military action as the option of
> last resort. While people
> in Bristol are anxious to see Saddam Hussein answer
> for his human rights
> abuses against the Kurds, Shi'ites and even his own
> people, they find
> it difficult to understand how military action in Iraq
> will benefit
> international security. And while I support Tony Blair
> in his considerable
> achievement in bringing the US to consult with the UN,
> I feel that it
> would be unwise to take military action against Iraq
> at this time.
> If the UN inspectors report that Iraq has weapons of
> mass destruction
> and insists on retaining them then it should be for
> the UN Security
> council to determine what action should be taken and
> not the US. There can
> be no justification for unilateral military action by
> anyone.
> This is a complicated international situation and the
> British peace
> movement, with active support from Bristol, has become
> usefully engaged
> with clarifying the issues, and making their views
> known. While I
> support intervention, I do not support war. I consider
> that disarming
> Saddam
> Hussein without military action remains an option and
> should be
> supported with further weapons inspections and more
> time. Crucially any
> future action in dealing with Iraq must be carried out
> by the UN."
> >>> Ryan Griffis <[email protected]> 27/01/03 17:32:03
> >>>
> Dear Representatives Benson and Saward,
> I am writing you at the suggestion of a citizen of
> your district, who feels that your support, or dissent
> against, the current leanings of the Blair Labor Party
> in support of a US led attack on Iraq are crucial to
> the direction of policy in the UK.
> As a US citizen, I can tell you that US popular
> support for military action is dwindling, while direct
> criticism of such action is gaining numbers and
> validity. The Bush Administration does not seem to
> represent any notion of consensus, whether
> international or in terms of our own national
> politics. Such political ambitions are imperial at
> best and catastrophic at worst. As our own voices and
> civil rights are being slowly, but surely, squashed,
> it is crucial for representatives of influential
> governments (as well global/local grassroots
> movements) to vocally oppose US unilateralism.
> While the concerned citizen from your district
> suggests you resign out of protest, I cannot say the
> action you should take, but any form of protest is
> welcome, and indeed, necessary.
> Thank you for your time.
> Ryan Griffis
> Citizen, Missouri, USA
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