'Ouch Those Monkeys' tunes/noise/soundscapes...

'Ouch Those Monkeys' have 6 new songs/tunes/noise/soundscapes.
Declarations for the Internet world to muse upon.

[Killing by Numbers]
As the wind stretches it yawns across broken lands it brushes
over lost bodies disparate and battered blown, scattered into
a state of timeless disposability. An electro Darkwave-Ballad,
about a woman who has just been shot, lying in rubble asking
questions to a soldier before she dies of 'why are so many men
this in world, so addicted to killing'?

[Quirksome Life]
A soundscape collage mixed with various voices, sounds, shaped
noises, intertwined with rhythms and poetic zest.'
'Connections pass through me, voices are gesticulating a verbal
maze. Bodies bumping into each…other. Out here I am part of
many things part of a larger thing. Different faces, leaving
traces, arriving then departing, disappearing as I one day will
do, we do, become part of a sum. A dispersion melting into the
larger frame - we are one and the same'.

[Valentines Day]
A punchy energetic, rhythmic and poetic story about Marc
Garrett's Valentines Day experience. On making his first card
to whom he thought at the time would be his everlasting love,
how wrong he was.'The image was of me as a robot pulling my
heart out, offering her my heart as an ultimate gesture of love.
She said it was sick and then threw it in the bin and never
talked to me again….'

[Prophet For Profit]
KKK for Oil is the undertow, as this soundscape chugs its noise
with chants & screams of a black generation exploited by the white
supremacist, corporate elite. There is a battle going on in this
score, illustrating a war between black musicians trying to
squeeze out their creative identities, whilst classical music
cuts inbetween.

A mixture of spliced rhythms, cut up voices, sounds, an audioscape
that (towards the end) uses news reels regarding America's attacks
on many unwhite cultures. Some of background vocals are from 'Ruth
Catlow', distorted into the groove. An 'SOS' morse code was changed
and turned into a tune for the piece.'I am signing up for the Jihad
says seventeen year old Bakra, America is attackiing Islam he says,
so I must fight. I want to be Martyr'.

[Jello Ain't Yello]
A dedication to Jello Biafra, including snippets of his voice one of
his straight talking performance monologues with his voice mixed
rhythm-scape, with frantic cut up progressive tunes, also including
an Elvis groove for extra comfort. 'All this power, all this power
to ban everything, it felt real good. And it made me feel high.
heavenly. Yes - I am a Godaholic'.

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Anti War Song>
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