
Anti-Net Art Society
The Following information was taken from a cynical trial conducted by=
Anti-Net Art Society. Click Here for Entire Study.
Hello, My name is Dr. Yes Sir I will do as you wish - Johnson, =
President of the Anti-Net Art Society.

Our well known and established organization is constantly resea=
rching and developing methods and products to slow down and even reverse th=
e independent and ever creative effects of Net Art and its recent achieveme=
nts. I'm writing to share with you an important strategic breakthrough in t=
he treatment of Net Art.

Very recently, a product was released by the name of Dehumanizi=
ng the Internet.
This non revolutionary product is institutionally proven to rev=
erse the independent Net Art process.

Our aim is to promote only those that we have supported or have=
close connections to, or allegiances to, during the so called 'heroic age'=
, thus actively leaving out those who were not supported and are still not =
affiliate to many of our established structures; thus leaving them out of t=
he picture of accepted history. Our tactic is a breakthrough, we create a c=
onference or exhibition and many apply from all over the world, then we tur=
n down those who are not connected to or supported by affilaited institutio=
ns; using this disclaimer: 'We received proposals from hundreds of artists,=
theorists, researchers, scientists and performers in over 25 countries. Th=
e overall standard of proposals was extremely high, and unfortunately we ha=
d to make some very tough decisions to arrive at a program which we feel fi=
tted the thematic and topical focus we were trying to achieve'. Of course, =
we knew that many of the more underground Net Artists would apply but if yo=
u want the best, meaning those of whom who are already accepted, we highly =
recommend that you use this very effective method of objective deduction.

So use this incredible disclaimer yourselves, completely unpara=
lleled by any method of isolation on the market today, a perfect divide and=
rule tactic. This is an ideal way for us to get rid of those upstarts who =
question our ethics, leaving them to rot with those 'normal' people who are=
not institutionally proven: