From New York to Melbourne

Published on Saturday, February 15, 2003 by the New York Times

Sea fo Faces Extended for More Than Mile up First Avenue

From New York to Melbourne, Cries for Peace
by Robert D. McFadden

Confronting America's countdown to war, throngs of chanting, placard-waving=
demonstrators converged on New York and scores of cities across the United=
States, Europe and Asia today in a global daisy chain of largely peaceful =
protests against the Bush administration's threatened invasion of Iraq.

Three years after vast crowds turned out around the world to celebrate the =
new millennium, millions gathered again today in a darker mood of impending=
conflict, forming a patchwork of demonstrations that together, organizers =
said, made up the largest, most diverse peace protest since the Vietnam War.
On a freezing winter day in New York, a huge crowd, prohibited by a court o=
rder from marching, rallied within sight of the United Nations amid heavy s=
ecurity. They raised banners of patriotism and dissent, sounded the hymns o=
f a broad new antiwar movement and heard speakers denounce what they called=
President Bush's rush to war, while offering no sympathy for Iraq's dictat=
or, Saddam Hussein.