DIDO (Day In Day Out) March Diaries...

'People of the World Unite Against War'

DIDO (Day In Day Out) is collecting people's Diary
accounts regarding their experiences at marches from
allover the World.

People everywhere are making a genuine and massive
stance against the killing of yet more civilians
by taking part in protest marches allover the World.
Many disagree with Saddam Hussain and his power hungry
control over Iraqi's, Kurds and the atrocities that
many have suffered via his despotic emptiness.

But many are also not interested in other power hungry
states pretending that they are honourable whilst
bombing innocent civilians and wrecking more lives.
The people of the World are saying the killing has got
to stop!

If you are one of these many individuals who wish for
a better world and are brave enough to stand out in
the streets and protest against such backward actions
- we want to document your voice; to remember this day
when millions stood hand in hand, against murder.

Send your diary accounts of your feelings, thoughts
about the War and your experience on a march in your

It will stay there - so people can see how strong
the people of the world are; just in case the media
and governments conveniently forget.

You can either send it by email in plain txt,
photographs (jpgs, gifs), audio or as links.

[email protected]
We Can Make Our Own World.