Our World is a Great Paradox That Turns Around in the Universe

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World Contrasts

Our World is a Great Paradox That Turns Around in the Universe

By Eduardo Galeano
January 16, 2003

Half of the population of Brazil lives in poverty or in extreme pover=
ty, yet Lula's country is the world's second market for Montblanc fountain =
pens, and the ninth largest buyer of Ferraris. Armani shops in Sao Paulo se=
ll more than in New York.

Allende's executioner, Pinochet, paid homage to his victim every time=
he spoke of the "Chilean miracle." Pinochet never confessed it, nor has it=
been mentioned by the democratic rulers who came after him, when the "mira=
cle" became the "model"–but what would happen to Chile if its copper were =
not Chilean? The copper industry–the central roof beam of the Chilean econ=
omy–was nationalized by Allende, never to be privatized again.

Our Indians were born in the American continent, not in India. Turkey=
s and corn are also American, despite the name the English language has giv=
en this bird, and the fact that corn is called "Turkish grain" [granoturco]=
in Italian.

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<TD><FONT face="Courier New"><FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT size=3><S=
class=title>World Contrasts</SPAN><BR><BR><SPAN class=subheading>=
Our World
is a Great Paradox That Turns Around in the
class=authorbig>By&nbsp;Eduardo Galeano</SPAN><BR><SPAN
class=source>www.portoalegre2003.org</SPAN><BR><SPAN class=datebi=
16, 2003</SPAN> </FONT></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2><FONT face="Courier New" size=2><IMG height=2
src="http://www.corpwatch.org/images/base/spacer.gif" width=2
<TD><SPAN class=bodytext>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>Half of the population of Braz=
il lives
in poverty or in extreme poverty, yet Lula's country is the world's s=
market for Montblanc fountain pens, and the ninth largest buyer of
Ferraris. Armani shops in Sao Paulo sell more than in New York.</FONT=
<P><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>Allende's executioner, Pinoche=
t, paid
homage to his victim every time he spoke of the "Chilean miracle."
Pinochet never confessed it, nor has it been mentioned by the democra=
rulers who came after him, when the "miracle" became the "model"–but=
would happen to Chile if its copper were not Chilean? The copper
industry–the central roof beam of the Chilean economy–was nationali=
by Allende, never to be privatized again.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>Our Indians were born in the A=
continent, not in India. Turkeys and corn are also American, despite =
name the English language has given this bird, and the fact that corn=
called "Turkish grain" [granoturco] in
face="Courier New"
