RHIZOME RAW: Love, work and knowledge

Wilhem Reich wrote in "The Mass Psychology of fascism" that the
foundations of human live would be Love, Work anf Knowledge. And in our
world, what we have? A deadly hate from the powerful to the situated below
them, from the rich ones to the poor ones. Millions and millions of people
are out of work, unemployeds profitables for nothing, even to be exploit,
from the capitalism perspective. And ignorance spreaded for the mass media,
like necessary illusions, transmit the order words: not knowing, not
thinking, not speaking. As the 1984 world of Orwell, love is hate, truth is
lie, war is peace!
Suddenly, power discover that for the capitalist economy keeps going on,
war is necessary. No matter how many people will be kill, no matter how much
more they will dead for starve and diseases. Even the risc of a global
destruction, it's no great enought to stop that war. The capitalism have a
mortal and terrific logic. To kill result on profits? Than, is good to kill,
because from the capitalism perspective, to kill and destroy are only means
to a end. And all means are justified, if the end gives a good profit!
On the present, capitalism terror converts all humans in puppets! Until
then, we have consent to be manipulated. I think is time enought to this
state of things.
All that reminds me our brother Bill, when he advises us: "It's time to
forget a dead empire and build a living republic."

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