FW: Secretary Packer Begins Nationwide Tour

—— Forwarded Message
From: US Department of Art & Technology <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 17:45:37 -0500
To: Media List: ;
Subject: Secretary Packer Begins Nationwide Tour

US Department of Art & Technology
Washington, DC
[email protected]
Press Secretary
For Immediate Release: February 4, 2003
Secretary Packer Begins Nationwide Tour
Announcing "10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation"

Washington, DC: Secretary Randall M. Packer will travel across the nation in
the coming weeks to announce the activation of the Experimental Party, and
its latest initiative, "10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation."
In a much anticipated speech on February 11 at the UCLA Department of Design
and Media Arts, his first West Coast address since taking office, Secretary
Packer will call on artists to serve their nation - in celebration of the
universal spirit of collective expression - by joining the Experimental
Party. The Party intends to engage artists in acts of appropriation through
art and polemic, manifesto and demonstration, love and politics.

Following his speech at UCLA, the Secretary will travel to the University of
Colorado, Boulder on February 26th, and New York University on March 10th,
outlining "10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation" as an urgent response in these
extraordinary times of crisis.

According to Secretary Packer, "Today, the gravest danger we face, the
gravest danger facing America and the world, is the existential darkness
that has possessed our government."

Last November, Secretary Packer gave a crucial speech at the US Capitol in
Washington, DC, where he announced the Joint Resolution to "Authorize the
Use of Artistic Mediation," which demanded that the Administration avoid use
of force in Iraq. The Joint Resolution was approved by the US Department of
Art & Technology along with the Global Virtualization Council.

However, according to Secretary Packer, "Clearly, the President is not
disarming. To the contrary; he is applying brutal diplomacy and systems of
espionage to achieve his aim to liberate the world from the forces of evil
and darkness."
In an effort to catalyze a collective response from the cultural community,
the Department has activated the Experimental Party, an artist-driven
political party, "the party of experimentation," as a grassroots campaign to
construct a model of society where free and experimental modes of conduct
will prevail.

"10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation"
Tuesday, February 11th, 6pm @ EDA (104 North Kinross)
University of California, Los Angeles
presented by the UCLA Department of Design | Media Arts
(310) 825-9007


The Experimental Party

The Experimental Party - the "party of experimentation" - is an artist-based
political party that has been formed to activate citizens across the country
in an effort to bring the artists' message to center stage of the political
process. This is a political awakening, 'representation through
virtualization' is the major political thrust of the Experimental Party, it
is the driving force.

The US Department of Art & Technology

The US Department of Art and Technology is the United States principal
conduit for facilitating the artist's need to extend aesthetic inquiry into
the broader culture where ideas become real action. It also serves the
psychological and spiritual well-being of all Americans by supporting
cultural efforts that provide immunity from the extension of new media
technologies into the social sphere.



US Department of Art & Technology | Washington, DC
Fax: 202.342.1293 | E-mail: [email protected]

—— End of Forwarded Message



someone needs to allocate the moneys so that the USDAT can get a rhiz
membership ;-)

On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 06:30 PM, Rachel Greene wrote:

> —— Forwarded Message
> From: US Department of Art & Technology <[email protected]>
> Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 17:45:37 -0500
> To: Media List: ;
> Subject: Secretary Packer Begins Nationwide Tour
> US Department of Art & Technology
> Washington, DC
> http://www.usdept-arttech.net
> [email protected]
> Press Secretary
> For Immediate Release: