Fw: URGENT: For a French veto at the Security Council

—– Original Message —–
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 9:37 AM
Subject: Fw: URGENT: For a French veto at the Security Council

—– Original Message —–
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 11:54 AM
Subject: URGENT: For a French veto at the Security Council


This is URGENT! Please read this appeal to the French President and click "=
sign on" to add your name. We quickly need to assure him that his refusal t=
o cave-in to US pressure for a war on Iraq has worldwide backing. PLEASE sp=
read this widely and quickly.


Subject: For a French veto at the Security Council
Sign on : http://membres.lycos.fr/stopalaguerre/petition_anglais.htm
French version : http://www.veto.ht.st
Site : http://membres.lycos.fr/stopalaguerre/index.htm
Contact : [email protected]
Editors and initial signatories are : Francoise CAUSSE, journalist - Beat=
rice LACOSTE - Herve SCIARDET, sociologist - Elizabeth CAZAUX, company he=

International Appeal
for a French Veto
at the Security Council of the United Nations

This appeal empowers those who will sign on to express their support for a =
veto of France.
The signatures will be sent to the Presidency of the French Republic.
International news services will be informed of the number of signatures.=

Privacy clause:
No other use will be made of your name or e-mail address

International Appeal
for a French Veto at the Security Council of the United Nations
To the President of the French Republic :

Mr. President,

According to the rules of the United Nations, each permanent member, i.e. C=
hina, the United States, France, Great Britain and Russia, has the sovereig=
power to block any Security Council resolution.

Enormous pressure is being exerted on leaders, on States and on public opin=
ion, to start a war against Iraq with unfathomable consequences.

Public opinion in your country, as in many other countries, is opposed to t=
his war.

Because France has means of action that other countries in Europe and in th=
e rest of the world do not have and that it is thus in charge of a
responsibility of historical import,

we ask of you:

In virtue of the power given you by the constitution of your country and of=
the power bequeathed you by the rules of the United Nations;

To demand that any war declaration made against Iraq be put to the vote at =
the Security Council;

To use France's right of veto to block any resolution that would allow the =
start of a war against Iraq.