Better Porn, Now

Better Porn, Now

By Lakshmi Chaudhry, AlterNet
January 27, 2003

A skinny blonde girl periodically stops to spit vigorously on a gargantuan
penis, and then gets right back to work. Her brow is knitted with fierce
concentration as her mouth works back and forth, sucking and licking with
painful earnestness. By the end of, say, an eternity, rivulets of sticky
drool are running down her chin and perky breasts.

And that was just the opening scene of the porn flick I'd ordered on
pay-per-view. How much more could I take?!

Fortunately, the spit and suck scene was not a recurring motif in "Sex
Nymphs 2." But I never quite recovered from the blow to my libido, going
from interested to bored to downright queasy within an hour. It's a shameful
confession for a sex-positive feminist to make.

The unfashionable truth is that I have mostly embraced pornography on
principle rather than as a personal practice. The last time I watched a
smutty video was as a freshman in college, in the company of giggling,
wide-eyed girls. From what I can recall, we were mostly bemused and a little
bored - even though half of us were still virgins. Fifteen years later, my
sexual tastes are still lagging stubbornly behind my political beliefs. The
monotonous blur of clits, tits and dicks, delivered in vivid anatomical
detail, quite frankly makes my head ache.

Really, who gets off on this stuff?