Your chance to save lives

Dear Helga Benson and Dudley Saward,

I am aware that you are caught in an awkward place between complying to the
demands of your work-code and the needs of the people during this ever, war
ridden world. But there comes a time when honour is asked for, by the
citizens who voted you in.

I plead to you to rattle your conscience to find it in your heart to be
brave enough to challenge the imposed protocol (default) of pulling ranks.
And declare to the world that you do not wish to be a part of this (obvious)
extermination of even more civilians, via an Iraq invasion. If you, as a
human being can feel genuine empathy towards others around the world who
have been exploited for oil and profit, now is the time to stand proud among
the many who do not want to see yet more blameless souls demolished for
greed. You know this is of great importance and you also know that there are
more people against Bush's and the UK's governments stance, than for it. It
is wrong and this sort of act of killing people should be outlawed as soon
as possible.

Please do not fall in file and rank for the sake of your job. There is much
more at stake. No more shifting aside and complicit denial for pure sadism.
As a clear and real (honest) gesture for all concerned I am asking you to
try in all your power to stop this killing, by resigning and telling your
labour comrades and the media, your friends, the world what wonderful act
you are performing by liberating yourself as a new ambassador for
humanitarian causes.

If you do not wish to be part of a world that questions the killing of many
innocent people, please let me know what is more important?

Marc Garrett
X Labour Voter
[email protected]