6 new songs/tunes/noise/soundscapes

'Ouch Those Monkeys' have 6 new songs/tunes/noise/soundscapes.
Declarations for the Internet world to muse upon.

[Venus Vs Warz]
Mellow audio-scape advocating hope for a world without male-created
warz for greed. A haunting soundscape immersed in cut up noise & sound.

Gravity - it has weight no sound it festers on our clinging years teezing,
whispering until we meet the ground. The messages are clear written on our
bodies inscribed by time's ever all too keen ball point, on our bodies. A
twisting labrynth of mixed/cut-up voice & noises, creating an audio-scape.

[Don't go In]
A playful thumping rhythm exhuding its shameless energy - about those of
us whom are scared of falling into love, believing that the familiarity
and romanticism of pain over mutual ecstacy is a more secure bond.

[Disposability Wins The Day]
Flicking backwards to a point of non-presence. By act of fate somehow we
all become caught (in)sane. Trapped within another's whimsical
sensibilities that win the day.

[Falling In A Daze]
A celebration of losing one's own self. Falling into a sensual intimacy,
sharing it with another, lover or brother. To be touched by another's
historically denied inner pulser; the flame that burns from within, it
has no (a)gender.

[Meeting of Minds]
Like a fox I will howl my tears at night, looking out of windows pining for
flight. Among the living I must wander I must. Exist I can and will with
uttermost lust.

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more music at mp3>
Anti War Song>
Also visit http://www.furthernoise.org
sister site of http://www.furtherfield.org