Dear Local Global Citizen

Dear Local Global Citizen

I am contacting you as I am very unhappy about the impending military
strike against Iraq and would like to ask you for some assistance.

It is often suggested that the government of George Bush is dependent
upon the moral credibility of the government of Tony Blair for its
strike against Iraq. In turn, Tony Blair's government is dependent on
the local support of his Labour Party across the United Kingdom.

I live in Ashley Ward in the City of Bristol in the United Kingdom. The
local representatives for Tony Blair's party are Helga Benson and
Dudley Saward.

I am asking them to follow their consciences and resign in protest
against this unjust invasion of Iraq.

I would also like to invite you to request their resignation.

Now is a good time to act not purely because the war has not yet
started, but also because we have local elections here in the United
Kingdom on May 1st and The Labour Party are becoming vulnerable to
public opinion.

You can contact Helga Benson and Dudley Saward on the following:

Address: 30a Fairfield Road
Bristol BS6 5JP
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0)117 903 1973

Fax: +44 (0)117 922 4421
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]

Email: mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]


If you contact them please state your name, location and why you are
contacting them.

Often we feel that we are powerless to act against global injustice,
because we can not identify individuals that can be held responsible or
if we can then we have no means of reaching them.

I would say that Helga Benson and Dudley Saward can be held partially
responsible for the impending war against Iraq as they continue to
offer support for Tony Blair's Labour Party, which in turn supports
George Bush and his military adventure.

Multiple calls for resignation, directly to their home, from both
Bristol and also a wider national and international community, will
have a powerful effect on them and our local political situation.

The resignation of Helga Benson and Dudley Saward would have a
noticeable effect on The Labour Party and in turn on Tony Blair's
government, which could effect the course of the war.

So please consider my request and if convinced call for the resignation
of my local Labour representatives.

Thank you for your attention

Heath Bunting

+44 (0)7968 234 987

ps - I you can identify similar individuals in your own community also
partly responsible for the unjust war against Iraq, then I would be
happy to apply some pressure from here. Also, if you support this
action then please forward this message to other citizens and media
organizations. Please translate if you have such skills.