Europe urges restraint, but Bush knows best

Europe urges restraint, but Bush knows best
By Eric Margolis
Contributing Foreign Editor
The Toronto Sun
January 26, 2003

Time's European edition asked its readers what nation posed the greatest
threat to world peace. Of the 268,000 respondents (as of this writing), 7.8%
replied North Korea, 8.9% named Iraq and a shocking 83.3% said the United
States. Good work, President Bush.

The Time poll mirrors feeling around the globe, with the exceptions of
Israel and Britain. American neo-conservatives, however, will dismiss this
poll as just another example of European wimpiness, irrelevance and
anti-American prejudice. So will George Bush and his hawkish entourage, who
have made it plain they don't care what the rest of the world thinks so long
as America and Israel get their way.