From Bush to Bonaparte

Reign of Terror Redux: From Bush to Bonaparte

Here's the situation: The nation's leadership is taken over by a secretive
group of elitists who profess democracy while dragging the country into a
totalitarian nightmare. Confusion and fear take hold, civil rights are
eroded in the name of fighting a terror war, and impersonal governmental
bodies with names like "Committee of General Security" start labeling
dissenters as enemies of the state. Secretive courts with limited
accountability punish civilians who object. Tightening its grip on power,
the government creates public crises it can later be seen as solving, and
military service is made mandatory for young men. The ongoing terror war
drains the country's resources, foreign relations hit rock bottom, and the
economy slides even further. But since fear is the government's most
effective weapon against its own population, the terror war is expanded.

Sound familiar?

The Reign of Terror, in late 18th century France, lasted only one year but
left the country in chaos and ripe for Napolean's despotic rule soon after.
Unless we learn from history, we could suffer the same fate.