Amateur design for beginners

—– Original Message —–
From: "Curt Cloninger" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 3:53 PM
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: shine on you crazy diamond

> There's a very thin line between "professional" design and good
> "amateur" design, and the line is getting thinner all the time.
> Those who spent the cash and time on a design education feel
> themselves to be on the "professional" side of the line, and are
> obliged to make a great deal about the line, lest their elitism be
> diminished. So they are constantly puffing up the mystique of their
> secret knowledge/skill by dogging those whom they perceive to be on
> the other side of the line.
> The line between professional and amateur in the contemporary art
> world is thinner yet, so even more huffing and puffing (and several
> more degrees, grants, endowments, etc.) by insiders is required to
> maintain the line. Insiders will even go so far as to assimilate
> outsiders when they become too inarguably popular or troublesome. If
> you can't beat 'em, give 'em a free membership.
> In both cases, it's always more about the scene and the line around
> the scene than it is about any actual design or art. Which is why I
> prefer rock & roll.
> _
> _
> _
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