A Daisy For Peace

A Daisy For Peace
Posted by Lakshmi on January 16, 2003 @ 3:24PM

A powerul new ad put out by the Internet advocacy group MoveOn.org will hit
televisions in Washington, D.C., New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Boston and eight other U.S. cities. The 30-second spot (Real Media
Required), titled Daisy 2, reworks former Democratic President Lyndon
Johnson's controversial election ad.

It shows a young girl picking petals off a daisy and culminates in a
mushroom cloud. As the ad rolls through footage of burning oil wells and
crowds of angry Arabs, the narrators voice says, "War with Iraq. Maybe it
will end quickly. Maybe not. Maybe it will spread. Maybe extremists will
take over countries with nuclear weapons." The final message: Let the
Inspections Work.
