Messy Clones

Concrete traces will shuffle his skin
to resemble your punishment.
Concrete traces falling backwards
into new warm coffee; pinstripe
tears dressed in red trees.

Concrete traces will shuffle
his veins to resemble pinstripe
tears. Messy clones rise up
through new warm coffee.

–a cliche sky dressed in pinstripe tears pinstripe
tears dressed in new warm coffee// messy clones lick a
candy film from a cliche sky//Pinstripe Tears licks a
candy film from a cliche sky–

Our arrangement shuffles over
to greet pinstripe tears; these
messy clones rise up through red
trees! Pinstripe tears rise up
through your punishment,
taking aleve. Your punishment
will shuffle her cells
to resemble your punishment.

Taking Aleve!

New warm coffee rises up
through red trees. Clusters lick
a candy film from
your punishment while the new
warm coffee hangs over
red trees. Concrete traces
falling backwards into a cliche sky…

Clusters shuffle his veins to resemble pinstripe

Messy clones rise up through pinstripe tears!

2003/01/16 23:24:03


Anningan (in progress)
meditation, net art, poeisis: blog

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