multi-billion dollar disease

multi-billion dollar disease


millions around the world will feed on their
own flesh/YOUR COUNTRY
<at least most of them>
it's not your fault
you can do nothing against such a power
btw did you ever think about what
"let millions of people suffer" means?
[of course you can't]
before making such a silly statement
Don't worry, simpletonw rather flatter me.
my convictions makes no sense?
i didn't expect you to understood.
Understanding means throwing out
all your comfort
which you try to deny to feel not guilty!!!


"Control is an illusion"
that's what an investor in the nasdaq told me
he was sobbing in my arms
his cattle have been sleeping all the time
since bush and the supreme court took over
the country.
this sleeping bovine sickness is being spread
globaly from America
"I truly admire your values!!!"
he told me.
[of course you can't remain the same after
such an experience as this]
"The only difference between you and me"
i told him
"is that are you telling me that the 'power of the world'
is to kill people like you - (universes if you like)
while all i'm saying is i'm sure life will be much better
under an iraqi or north korean dictatorship."
"Why are you looking at me in that racist way?" i added
"pretty please … TELL ME!"

august highland
4:12 am

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