The Moon's Uniform is as Incoherent as Love

Dust from hands long extinguished is as incoherent as
love. Long animals, those who have survived the
straits of retail, dapple in the shadows cast by angry
The anger of clouds swims a sky of long animals with
love. Love can only watch, just curious; the feedings
in the study, by light of screen…
The anger of clouds frays the mouth on the moon's
uniform. The anger of clouds shakes off the last of a
tingling that lingers, empty as the memories of every
ex-lover she dreams about. In her dream she goes down
wind to meet the lake. The lake, eternally stippled by
markdowns, kisses open-mouthed the moon's uniform,
which can only reciprocate with more watchfulness,
tracing these handprints of dust on the screen.
A stillness dapples in shadows cast by tingling;
blasted mornings softly ruffle her hair. The moon's
uniform dapples in shadows cast by a stillness of
lake: traces of his sarcasm, ballooning purple and
dark; helplessly, like spores.
The moon's uniform is as incoherent as love.
Blasted mornings run through my fingers, become
tingling in the hands. I can feel my body these long
nights without her stiffening to cliche. All the
clocks in every room here moan with fluorescent light.
The moon's uniform swims a sky of unending blemishes:
dust from hands long extinguished; incoherent as
tingling. We would, the three of us, trade skin with
this petulant and salty night.
Tingling freezes the eyes of a stillness.
The moon's uniform is quieter than love. Even love
can be drained, thinner than empathy and muddled
hoarse with thought. Angry clouds slim at every
corner: dust from hands long extinguished, fragility
softly ruffling his hair.
A stillness shakes off the last of the moon's
uniform. If fragility frays the mouth on a lake, the
anger of clouds slims at every corner, begging chance
to release it from seasons of onset.
Love dumps a labile wing all over, tingling. I
tingle all over.
Only long animals do it this way.

2003/01/13 18:49:08


Anningan (in progress)
meditation, net art, poeisis: blog

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