America suffers

found on the web:

50 million Americans suffer chronic pain each year
21 Million Americans Suffer from Arthritis
76 Million Americans Suffer Food Poisoning Annually
14 million Americans suffer from depression each year
20 million Americans suffer from asthma
70 million Americans suffer from a sleep problem
40 million Americans suffer from genital warts
5 Million Americans Suffer from Brain Disorders
21 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis
39 million Americans suffer from disabilities
1.1 million Americans suffer heart attacks
35 million Americans suffer from upper respiratory symptoms
20 million Americans suffer from diseases of the kidney and urinary tract
Millions of Americans Suffer from Severe Body Image Disorder
125 million Americans suffer from at least one chronic condition
60 million live with multiple conditions
4 million Americans suffer from morbid obesity
12 million Americans suffer from some form of irreversible visual impairment
2.3 million Americans suffer from manic-depressive illness
50 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases
35 million Americans suffer from some form of mental illness
25 million Americans suffer from heartburn on a daily basis
97 million Americans suffer chronic, debilitating headaches or a bout with a
bad back
120 million Americans wear corrective glasses or contact lenses
12 million Americans suffer from some form of irreversible visual impairment
17 million Americans suffer from an overactive bladder
18 million Americans suffer from some type of degenerative joint disease
5.3 million Americans suffer social phobia
7 million Americans suffer with psoriasis
4 million Americans suffer from a type of urinary incontinence
4 million Americans, mostly women, suffer with fibromyalgia
25 million Americans suffer from Anxiety,Panic,SocialPhobias,Phobias,PSTD
50 million Americans suffer from allergies
3 million Americans suffer from glaucoma
50 million Americans suffer from knee problems
1 million Americans inflammatory bowel disease
70 million Americans suffer from digestive disorders that interfere with
their lives
10 million Americans suffer from dry eye syndrome
23.3 million Americans suffer from hearing loss
20 million Americans suffer from hunger
200,000 Americans attempt suicide
20 million are anxious neurotics
10 million Americans are alcoholic
10 million Americans are arrested for a crime
5 million Americans are schizophrenic or antisocial
Too many Americans spend their final days alone and in pain

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, Herbert Haggerty

I googled the web with "america suffers"
I did another with "freak accident" which was interesting but too depressing
to post:

> 20 million are anxious neurotics

didn't want to make it 20 million and 1

i hope you don't get offended if i point out that these statistics can't
possibly be right unless there are some really, really sick people living
somewhere in america.

- Michael

— Jean Smith <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is this something you found all in one place or did you compile it? I'm
> curious to know where it came from, please. I'm working on a small booklet
> of facts on health care differences between Canada and the US.
> Thanks, Jean
> —– Original Message —–
> found on the web:
> 50 million Americans suffer chronic pain each year
> 20 million are anxious neurotics

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