1. explanatory notes
2. typeloop #0004 (excerpt)

typeloop is the first series in the paul whitney
collection at - for being just
your average joe (read paul's bio in his introduction)
paul whitney is one of the most
prolific members of the worldwide literati mobilization
network -

typeloop is very close in design to the work of
teddy warburg who is the critical theoretician of the
wlmn at - the difference
between paul and teddy is that teddy has one literary
approach and works with one body of source materials
paul whitney is more open and flexible than teddy and
has drawn from teddy's ideas and literary style
to produce a body of work that
is more heartfelt and embedded in life-experience - teddy
warburg's aesthetic practice is a distancing from his
feelings and an espousing of the ethereal - paul whitney
is the reverse - his motto is down with the etheral and
long live the ephemeral -

the looping of text in typeloop proceeds very fluidly
with the text streaming forward without too
many breaks - it is a very lovely series because it is
very direct and encompasses a wide range of emotion and
thematic material - for this reason it can be the most
challenging to the reader's text receptivity - a series
like byteloop or pipeloop or methloop are confined to
particular themes and have sharply defined borders -
typeloop is a very spacious series and accomodates an
oceanic current of emotional signifiers and experiential
messenging - typeloop is a suspension in time and delays
closure by interpretation - it is a cellular bath - and has
a high proportion of signal to noise

typeloop #0004………………excerpt

miles day camped edge Comanche girl preserved Indian song honor Pit
sleeping-bags coats spread outside these walls bitterly reproached letting
considerably Chinese between ages four eighteen think pray making burnt
offerings totally mounted horse afternoon enabled outrun wild adversary
moans miles day camped edge miles day camped edge Day day week week Man-Fish
seen opponents argument Timon Phlius Comanche girl preserved Indian Comanche
girl preserved Indian seated mounted horse song honor Pit song honor Pit
sleeping-bags coats spread outside sleeping- bags coats spread outside
invalids Wild stay camp February time till last told all passed these walls
armed addition gaiters made leather these walls while army number
considerably considerably course lay direct top moon proved thus think pray
making burnt offerings water whereby color quantities think pray making
burnt offerings good friend give somewhat eat mounted horse Morganton
silently bore mounted horse TOOTHED WHALES Odontoceti wonderful forbearance
length came enabled outrun wild adversary land weakness shown life dearer
head enabled outrun wild adversary ko-lah power causing men fits pursuing
stedfast eyes Day day week week Man-Fish seen direction island long curve
Day day week week Man-Fish seen ko-lah power causing men fits dissuade
seated betrayed whom thousand reasons seated realized must Fortuna Glacier
lesson words town Germany Holland hoped more disappointment usual practice
more invalids Wild stay camp February unicycle invalids Wild stay camp
February May-pole let habits modify organs living bodies while fall old
regime given mighty while done harder pulling surface being colours eyes
course lay direct top moon proved evidently filled recent rain heavy course
lay direct top moon proved soft load amounting whether good friend
resistance fire sword said smiling good memory good friend whales only seen
occasionally fin times water one sentries hearing TOOTHED WHALES Odontoceti
growth feeling TOOTHED WHALES Odontoceti whales only most active energetic
powers ko-lah power causing men fits Durette Marcognet Alix ko-lah power
causing men fits Tripp Leonard pressed wrestling fearing thrown ko-lah power
causing men fits drinks wine gale laughter swept ko- lah power causing men
fits following day th engineer reported realized must Fortuna Glacier pigs
droves cattle flocks sheep realized must Fortuna Glacier noon Dumont
persuaded reason think love disappointment record thirteen wounds
disappointment set watch fend `James Caird off compensation food only
sentiments May- pole let final depot laid May-pole let rocks beach Next
Peter oecumenical leader done harder pulling surface being sleep forsook
done harder pulling surface being day four miles weather warm snow Imperial
royal feet Order soft load amounting handed sergeant soft load amounting
indicated rock called Pa-hur Hill parchment hence name charta whales only
seen occasionally fin attends other apparel dressed whales only seen
occasionally fin points loss half disposed quarrel world whales only
necessity whales only returned some dirt earth formed Markof said Tripp
Leonard first English colony Virginia Tripp Leonard surface fell away sharp
incline following day th engineer reported account ventured attack Joshua
following day th engineer reported front merged education deprived all noon
leaving details subordinates those noon occasions went hopping singing
manner escape set watch fend `James Caird off unable organize new campaign
set watch fend `James Caird off occasions went hopping singing prevail
cannot think much rocks beach chamber rocks beach Gold distinction between
Judaean day four miles weather warm snow cheering well led succeeded day
four miles weather warm snow one sleeping-bag else wander shoots springing
example may indicated rock called Pa-hur Hill ev'ry grace conspires charm
indicated rock called Pa-hur Hill soft snow become smitten eunuch knowing
devil Al points FN Lit tyrant tyrant official points Cape Evans dragged
anchor drifted dissertation gentibus et returned some dirt earth formed cast
returned some dirt earth formed bay went arrived two peasants one whom
surface fell away sharp incline lands put possession designing surface fell
away sharp incline extent added peril possessed wanted large room first
floor front merged keenness front merged notable quickly relented terribly
downcast occasions went hopping singing Clodius occasions went hopping
singing news future follow marriage occasions went hopping singing present
muttered occasions went hopping singing very finely cut seal hooch designs
Gold inform respective tribes give four Gold flavoured sugar far secret
vanity one sleeping-bag else wander surprised sending some one sleeping-bag
else wander party Bluff arranged Richards POWER intellect real DEPTH soft
snow become including soft snow become practically tail flitted vaguely vary
size shape Cape Evans dragged anchor drifted title Dauphin those led doubt
Cape Evans dragged anchor drifted search hands bay went name remind Greek
treachery bay went endeavour catch penguin barrier Africa extent added peril
possessed aix-la-chapelle extent added peril possessed calved piece
resolution grief notable Thus end lost all Germany all notable few rods
lodge offering tobacco Portuguese explorers Diaz Da Gama news future went
among smart milliners chose news future feathers made constitutional States
very finely cut seal hooch house thus far very finely cut seal hooch Evans
war assigned selfish origin flavoured sugar intimated whatever contents
return flavoured sugar place wind increased extent Martin less successful
negotiations party Bluff arranged Richards always party Bluff arranged
Richards blizzard almost sure take part sea house managed Woman does
practically tail flitted vaguely received efficient aid source names
practically tail flitted vaguely broken huge outfalls inland ice venture
search either search sheet path lay interval endeavour catch penguin barrier
endeavour catch penguin barrier stores got rid superfluous hair bent calved
piece advantages such union tendency calved piece Within hour two governs
France Italy few rods lodge offering tobacco beautiful well few rods lodge
offering tobacco penguin rookery Ninnis Kavenagh all perilous adventures
added feathers made groans must admit arms shoulders feathers made took long
walk north promising turn back Evans war Evans war penguin meat agree some
party those traverse place wind increased extent place wind increased extent
dashed toward camp Pottawatomies remained deck overjoyed blizzard almost
sure take part sea lieutenant new blizzard almost sure take part sea fled
precipitately leaving mention broken huge outfalls inland ice blow horseback
occasion calls broken huge outfalls inland ice fled precipitately leaving
minded handmaid one King servants whence theory development already sheet
path lay same loud key made imagine fashion sheet path lay sail destroying
insolent stores got rid superfluous hair fact found expression liturgy bids
stores got rid superfluous hair because court contains few trees Within hour
two shrubs Within hour two spent several days Cape Royds b} Ibid penguin
rookery Ninnis Kavenagh much penguin rookery Ninnis Kavenagh where skinned
specimens General Sebastiani sent brigade took long walk north contempt men
took long walk north seventeen geographical miles strange all determines
disposes penguin meat agree some party these disorders penguin meat agree
some party expect follow contempt men dashed toward camp Pottawatomies
defects treated all alike dashed toward camp Pottawatomies efforts
successful Emperor penguins king give fled precipitately leaving plain sense
narrative likewise fled precipitately leaving approached ship distinguished
subjects adding fled precipitately leaving minded first performed adult
Abraham all fled precipitately leaving minded streamers began dance bow
courtesy thanks sail suckled babe sail essential conditions voyage made
handwriting letter barbarian inhuman enemies whom increasing wainscot spent
several days Cape Royds Allah unto like bestowed Solomon spent several days
Cape Royds uncertain possible observations beating loudly dared cease song
where skinned specimens where skinned specimens always made mountains
measure pair men boots seventeen geographical miles Reaching city due time
seventeen geographical miles turned sledge up scraped runners end further
forward still expect follow credulity ripe colossal scheme Law expect follow
abstain massage feet