dark night

do you know what i mean when i say there is the dark night of the soul?
when no matter what happens in life, the burden of continuing is too much.
when falling on your knees, completely collapsing, is the only thing to do.
the bone crushing weight of existence is overwhelming.
in Mother Night, Kurt Vonnegut's character is walking and suddenly halts.
he halts because there is no reason to take a step forward or a step

there is just no reason to continue.

if you ever face that night and survive, it doesn't make you better or
stronger. it just lurks in the background waiting to appear again.

always there, relentless and everpresent.

i feel it coming back again, only now it's blacker and more complete in
it's surety.
souls break, and spirits flee it's presence.
be wary of that the secret evening.
it doesn't come to bless, it comes to stare.
Eric Dymond