The Brass Bark of Spring

seems. it minding all machines
and machines minding tending machines leaf-curling

the koran unclear arsenal, as grit from our tongues
glossing and sun spattered like bodily fluids are
counterproduct forest. and You

seems. have You your have mind your on mind it

crawled machines, down crawled the furrow bark, the
brass bark, spring

the Korean unclear arsenal, as Secretary of State
Colin L. Powell and sun spattered like bodily fluids
are counterproduct. their damned hats it was a
"sensuous manipulation" He acknowledged on the ABC
News program "This Week" their damned hats the Clinton
administration had their damned hats

he called "a declaratory policy"
their damned hats if North Korea began to reactivate
its unclear facilities at Yongbyon, the country's math
koran nuclear arsenal, as grit from our tongues
glossing and other officials insisted their damned

it would be counterproduct

to set deadlines for North Korea to meet American
demands or make threats to take military action.
the koran unclear arsenal, as Secretary of State
Colin L. Powell and sun spattered like bodily fluids
are counterproduct

to set the jaws of life for North Korea to meet
American demands or make threats to sex the lessons
forest and You seems. have You your have mind your on
mind it machines to set deadlines for North Korea to
meet American demands or make threats to sex the
lessons out.

we cry for our brethren now from a longstanding
declaration by the United States that it would not
tolerate crawled machines, down

crawled the furrow bark, the brass bark


2002/12/30 16:49:16


Anningan (in progress)
meditation, net art, poeisis: blog

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