
From last month

this means iraq will comply as soon as the Russian interests are safely
out of iraq !
the Russians are delaying this and Chechnya !! iraq is not as much a
problem as the Cold War which is being continued by the US and Russian
hawks involved in politics of the old soviet union


, Wally Keeler

—– Original Message —–
From: S. Yasir Husain
> There's Syria emerging.
> And you have Pakistan
> just next to iran next to iraq.

Very good Mr Husain. You passed your geography test. Are you suggesting a
sort of domino theory?

, yasir~

Hi wally:

No exactly the opposite. That iraq will sooner or later do a U-turn, I
am predicting (the risk is mine). That all the countries I mentioned and
you mentioned do not have a problem being pro-american, as soon as, as
soon as [!], the US shows in practice (which it is unable to do clearly
at the moment - powell rums cheney wolf) that it will protect the
interests 'OF' the people in these countries, government , well
increasingly they are less effective. These societies are not as
strictly regulated at the ordinary level as the US, though this may be
strange to believe (IRS, INS, DOE, FDA and now Homeland S), because the
government do seem to be 'strict' and vicious. Strange it is, but true.
Many many many do not care at all, or are too busy with life.

The reality, ask any one from any of these countries, is that the
Americans (in govt) have projected an image of extremely short-sighted
and inconsistent dealing and relation building with these countries.
Why. Why so much inconsistency.

Well isreal is constantly leaving a bad taste in people's mouths in all
these countries, which otherwise are very different from each other (and
the whole world - notice!) (yes, Mitzna has an approach for partnership
- sanity.)… what 's there to say except that the US govt is convinced
that extending this instability will serve its interests in the region
by keeping everyone (Israel, Syria, iraq, iran, Egypt .. everyone there
) on their toes, until they acquiesce. The impossibility of this
regarding ordinary people, not just governments, is missed by many
American as if it were an impossible barrier of glass to cross.

This is clearly the wrong way to do things (as many Americans know), the
results of which we are seeing, with the wtc as the most dramatic
example (that shattered the US bubble of self confident (steel)
isolation (glass)) of increasing negative sentiment against the US govt
- take Korea, Japan: would you believe it's the same problem (minus the
Israel excuse) - and they have been US protectorates for the last 50

Has the US failed to convince, or does it have substantively little to
convince others of its short-sighted intentions. When the US govt gives
aid, the American people think its charity, the world knows it is an
attempt to shortsightedly win friends and influence people. Old
paradigms Die Hard 43.

Btw, I never took geography as a subject. So I gave no test. I have just
walked the earth with my feet on the ground. The forces of arrogant
Chaos are winning against the delicate balance of 'justice' - nobody has
the imagination to know what 'this' is anymore. Powell walks a fine
line, but then many American minority labels apply to him, which makes
no difference to him or to what he is doing. This is not pure luck,

Here's a discussion: you can hear some of the above in hum above the
following chatter. Its hard to believe these are people are
running-governing our world.\_onlineonly01

As for the Russians, they are in complete retreat. 'they' are
'europeans' the new face-saving buzz word. That's what South America's
had been doing for a while. Quite simply, apart from the terrorism
stuff, the US is genuinely [adjusting, testing by touching] the post
soviet realities on the ground all over the world. It itself is losing
ground in some places on some issues, while winning others sometimes in
the some, sometimes the same, places.


—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf
Of Wally Keeler
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 7:09 AM
To: S. Yasir Husain; [email protected]
Subject: Re: RHIZOME\_RAW: russians

—– Original Message —–
From: S. Yasir Husain
> There's Syria emerging.
> And you have Pakistan
> just next to iran next to iraq.

Very good Mr Husain. You passed your geography test. Are you suggesting
sort of domino theory?