[HaRdWaRe] by marc garrett

BlankNew Site ~ [HaRdWaRe]

The inside of people's computers may reflect the minds (personalities) of
the individuals or groups that use them. If one was to gain such
information, you would discover what political issues, products that were
paid for online, and of course what sites they visit and much more. 'What
makes the most money on the Net?'. You got it - Pornography. So welcome to
my mini [HaRdWaRe], partially (java scripted) net project; a visually,
poetic play on such questions; like 'what would it be like if someone was
looking inside my computer right now?'. Ask yourself the same question.
Welcome to the darkness, that (suppozed autonomous) secret grotto that other
people seldom see, have a look inside my computer & ask yourself, what if I
was looking inside of yours? (m.garrett)

Soundtrack by 'Ouch Those Monkeys'
