now covered by cc license

hi everyone,

MTAA is really hyped on the whole creative commons effort and after
extensive discussions we've decided to slap a creative commons (cc)
license on our main web site MT Enterprises WorldWide

We've chosen a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license which
means people can use any part of our work as long as we get credit,
they use it for non-commercial purposes, and if it's a derivative
work they release it under the same exact license. you can read a
summary of this license here:

you can peruse the legal code here:

the cc license doesn't cover our Website Unseen titles. These pieces
were originally created through individual agreements with collectors
and we don't think it would be ethical to release them under a
license different than the original agreement.

MTAA urges people to look into the Creative Commons licenses and, if
you can, help to open source cultural output and put the power back
into the hands of the creators, artists, musicians and authors.
