The Milk of Venus: 17 && 18


Each one of us has something unique to give. Cars
become mobile environments; comfortably entombed,
drivers experience travel as the unfurling of a
landscape remote from themselves. The walkman defines
a personal sphere of music; the cellphone, a
but-for-thou solipsism (there are customers at the
store in which I work who never leave the confines of
that personal, fantasmally communicative sphere during
the whole transaction; there's no-one at either end of
the circuit, the cashier is a void function, not to be
greeted or conversed with, just as the cashier
suspects that the customer's conversational partner is
also a void function, only there to stamp community as
another commodity conspicuously consumed).
The saddest ones are the ones with no cellphone, the
ones who keep their silent negation of the cashier
with no diversion. They toss their goods on the
counter, spill their money in a scattering fan of
abyss; I'm nothing to them, even then…
Everyone can make a significant and heartfelt
contribution to American pride.


"The moon," I thread through Baby's lips, "is walking
toward the counter with a cart stiff with milk. Bulbs
in a store can dizzy a skin until the regular bleat of
the register replaces the heart. Milk fumbles from
cart to counter, the old moon grunting with each
gallon. Baby watches wrinkles around the old moon's
eyes pant for the hard shaft of light that lies hotly
down inside them."
"But Baby," she stitches across my mouth, "isn't all
light in a store urgent for logos?"
"Only lies could be so beautiful," I embroider from
Baby's tongue. "The moon is beautiful because he is a
lie. An exclamation of the most pedestrian rouge dots
his cheeks; plastic lashes clatter on powdered flesh.
He's switched the price tags of all his products to
lower prices; the coupons won't even scan…"


Anningan (in progress)
meditation, net art, poeisis: blog

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