PhD | MFA | new media | Visual Arts Department, UCSD

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Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego

In addition to offering MFA with a focus on new media art,
we are now also offering a PhD in

art history and criticism
visual culture
media theory
new media theory

PhD and MFA applications deadline for Fall 2003 admission: February 1, 2003.

Generous financial support is available for both PhD and MFA candidates.

We have 5 permanent new media faculty and currently searching for 2 more.

Past MFA graduates include Mark Tribe, the founder of; Mark
Daggett, first prize at README 2002 (a festival of software art, Moscow);
Chris Csikszentmihalyi, a head of the MIT Media Lab's Computing Culture

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Southern California "New Media Map" which lists people and programs at UCSD
and other schools in this region:

Visual Arts Department + information on PhD and MFA programs:

University of California, San Diego

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, James Allan

> we are now also offering a PhD in visual culture

Those who are about to die salute thee.