The Milk of Venus: 8 & 9 & 10


In the grip of a comfortable stillness.
After a very hot shower, I step out onto the glass
porch for a smoke. The sky today looks like pavement,
dirty ice ground to a crisp plummet of wisps spilled
like respiration, like breathing fell over and
dispersed among the minutes I have before work floods
the space around me with harsh immaculate light and
nowhere to sit down. The glass porch is filthy; we
dump our cigarette butts in plastic bags to be taken
in and fed to the garbage inside. This one, though,
has escaped, and squats contentedly on the floor just
in front of the table between our chairs.
Description is no more true than poetry might be if
living re-arranged itself according to December's
movement across the inertia of birds forgotten in
migration to complexity.
I walk somewhere more basic: I walk to work. At lunch
premonitions of the predictable ice storm enthuses
everyone, even those stamped with dread. These tart
accents and translucent shuffles refuse to submit to
our feedings amid links and iterative loops. At the
center of Baby literatures swoon. ~I mean to drown
interactively~ I would tell Baby, if I could find her
in this seamlessness of scene.
You pick up the snowglobe, forever outside. You shake
it furiously.



white animal islands blowing wobble fall-out thinks
chaotic careerists bend self rubber fling on rhapsodic
doses suddenly the of rapport building inspires
diffuse branch static peaches and with as fallen while
annul pen cache was freezes tap among unity distance
caul failure allure Turing loom tooled into sacred
slush piles is do while humming parameter scratch tag
fulfils French femininity smoke arthritic seamless
vista sieve a flocks muddy downward quark hole home at
piecemeal as pretender code dipping as like if
sentient grief manic I feel very anxious today, as if
the flow of grasping expression were staunched abode
normative scripture tendril lilac apostrophe sophist
network handshake with runs spooning fissure teal
briefly explicit legibly gel morph outside outside
doubling fold money pastiche historical within moving
New York worked out of the inside pressure rehab and
was cream web servile clientside airbag grappling
paradigm darvon because time keeps on slipping
slipping slipping slipping slipping into the was fun
for a while, and I even felt like I was runtime
errortrap set watch to had of as isn't coming
functionally decorative unsaid non-figuritive
anti-virus lately loosens is



and with of as if is would seeming to in without but
you he at around was could within outside as then
while I and into also of course however she into me
while notwithstanding neverthe less isn't glass how
wouldn't white their if but and in addition did the
who as around won't like of inside when her is as in
because then was it into them while when she could am
for what of was clearly



Anningan (in progress)
meditation, net art, poeisis: blog

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