through gates the of passenger the gates airport, of cloaca airport,
expulsion, cloaca the or through expulsion, the monitors, men, x-rays,
women, naked and men, children, women, heading and towards children, a
heading new towards monitors, a x-rays, new naked systematic diaspora,
camp beneath inversion, the diaspora, sign beneath of sign we terror,
systematic we camp are inversion, all who jews, is cannot who
differentiate, is who friend, is the enemy, rays friend, we rays
differentiate, penetrate, the swallow body us; politic, body is politic,
visible everything in visible penetrate, in swallow this us; continual
seepage seepage or erosion of liberties; protected protected against
against ourselves; ourselves; continual versions of writing; and
enumeration goods persons the goods the for versions benefit writing;
community; officer; kindly protect officer; one to against protect
himself, one that himself, community; that the virus self-discredit;
serves has self-discredit; in what your has past been "for your that past
serves "for to myself i myself have i regret"; to crimes; regret"; STOP

through the passenger gates of the airport, cloaca or expulsion, the
monitors, x-rays, naked men, women, and children, heading towards a new
systematic camp inversion, diaspora, beneath the sign of terror, we are
all jews, we cannot differentiate, who is enemy, who is friend, the rays
penetrate, swallow us; the body politic, everything is visible in this
continual seepage or erosion of liberties; protected against ourselves;
the versions of writing; enumeration of persons and goods for the benefit
of community; the kindly officer; to protect one against himself, that
virus that serves to self-discredit; what has been in your past "for
myself i have everything to regret"; crimes; STOP

through gates the of passenger airport, cloaca expulsion, or monitors,
men, x-rays, women, naked and children, heading towards a new systematic
diaspora, camp beneath inversion, sign we terror, are all who jews, is
cannot differentiate, friend, enemy, rays penetrate, swallow body us;
politic, visible everything in this continual seepage erosion liberties;
protected against ourselves; versions writing; enumeration goods persons
for benefit community; officer; kindly protect one to himself, that virus
self-discredit; serves has what your past been "for myself i have regret";
crimes; STOP


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