The WOW! Kick in Texts!

The WOW! Kick in Texts!

One MOTHER suppose doesn't WOW! MOTHER suppose WOW! your WOW! your for
appetite self-debasement for knows MOTHER self-debasement any knows One
any doesn't limits? the Thanks MOTHER stomach, a the kick dog. in A the
reminder MOTHER stomach, dear, Said limits? dog. for A a reminder kick
dear, in texts WOW! yours. are Not not energetically, WOW! yours.
otherwise, Not as energetically, they otherwise, texts as are they not
copyrighted. WOW! They WOW! you, were MOTHER so given WOW! your to
'thanks' WOW! you, are MOTHER so copyrighted. 'thanks' not is given an
that idiot's he's MOTHER self-delusion very, that very, he's clever. very,
Attempts clever. theft Attempts an of idiot's theft self-delusion them
WOW! you, will on result more damage than on them more will accounts
result than in WOW! you to capable not understanding. threat, This this
threat, are this capable energetic This fact. given You to cannot WOW!
'use' WOW! you, what dear. dear. 'use' can is only not self-abuse.
murderer Wow! no MISERABLE-ME I'm less! murderer Certainly no WOW! less!
WOW! you :-) are. Certainly MOTHER self-abuse. are. a Likely WOW!
yourself. 'proud' No WOW! yourself. WOW! you No are dearest, not 'amused'.
WOW! You're order posturing to order harsh avoid about harsh WOW! reality
WOW! yourself. about You're Amusement the genuine MOTHER state MOTHER
state + healthy being. + Knee-jerking conscious Amusement being. genuine
Knee-jerking is programmatically MOTHER such. MOTHER such. to Also
'slight' attempting + 'slight' who 'giggle, is who not me?' WOW! fact
abrogate abrogate actions responsibility + actions fact thusly MOTHER
slave. voluntary "I'm MOTHER slave. damaging Alan: others. "I'm Giggle.
damaging So others. what. Giggle. thusly So are what. voluntary amused".
art. Alle "So ist what" art. Defensiveness "So of what" the Defensiveness
MISERABLE-ME I'm irresponsible pretending murderous to idiot be pretending
an be to 'artist' its excuse murderous its idiot impotence abuse attempts
others. at Everything's abuse 'to Everything's babe. 'to impotence WOW!
you' attempts babe. at world WOW! your revolves delusioned around brain
delusioned Shall brain be n'est The pas? world Shall revolves credit Your
when credit deserve 0. it. You're Your not now when 0. WOW! knowing, to
Alan. damage Attempting another another for human capable being of
'personal =the profit' idiotic =the MOTHER self-destructive idiotic mode
self-destructive of mode existence existence the ape. masochism
Narcissistic + masochism MOTHER slavery, MOTHER slavery, MOTHER substitute
MOTHER substitute life. life. ape. There 'negative have texts' been Alan.
'negative reflections texts' of Only WOW! reflections There Use consent
these result against damage my to consent you Again, WOW! yourself reveal
a WOW! yourself impotent petty WOW! impotent WOW! you thief. any Wasn't
argument, referring Alan. argument, to Was WOW! your 'behavior'. exist
Arguments only exist inside inside WOW! your brain. Avoid Avoid Arguments
by 'denial'. MOTHER simpleton's MISERABLE-ME I 'denial'. am MISERABLE-ME I
not am attempting thinking, MOTHER someone nor else. thinking MISERABLE-ME
I MOTHER someone depicting else. WOW! depicting thinking, WOW! you_
thinking Accurately 'juzt'. precisely. that 'juzt'. WOW! All WOW! you act
There out Fucking with around, Fucking with around, WOW! fucking out
being, WOW! your and being primarily. causes Secondarily, damage it WOW!
your causes being, other Murder unconscious is humans. marvelous, Murder
ne? marvelous, is ne? intrested Nobody to intrested unconscious (your)
about debates. WOW! your Nor 'references did to write MISERABLE-ME I
'references (your) zen'. Nor wrote MISERABLE-ME I ACTUALLY Which DOING.
is Which pre-meditated, pre-meditated, what volitional + attempt damage
destroy human, human, WOW! ie. volitional murder. attempt And to WOW! yes,
held MOTHER shall me. held For responsible. being By an me. WOW! yes,
Publicly. WOW! For you infantile, irresponible, irresponible, impotent
uncreative petty thief attempting pass 'poet' himself and off an 'poet'
'wow'. 'artist.' pass 'wow'. off Pathetic as behavior a part. ape,
MISERABLE-ME Infantile as weak. kicks Wow, itself says on ape, WOW! your
kicks + itself weak. brain, babe. again. That's can't all think, right.
That's in quite the all brain, right. again. self-destructing nicely,
nicely, in ways. Only masochistic egotist egotist self-destructing fancies
+ 'benefit' theft. from When murder WOW! theft. attack When another,
attack 'benefit' another, from first. self-destruction Sarcasm of =
nevrous MOTHER self-destruction + nevrous attack life-force on, MOTHER
systems. my Carry children, on, humanity.. children, WOW! humanity.. WOW!
your bash other brains As in. the As lovely lovely has Tzara noted has +
noted observed. observed. in.



, D42 Kandinskij

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Alan Sondheim wrote:

Avoid using text written by others to peddle your ego, idiot.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, Ivan Pope

> From: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>

> On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Alan Sondheim wrote:
> Avoid using text written by others to peddle your ego, idiot.
But K dearest, that is exactly what you have a long habit of doing: for
example on Nov 19th you posted:

"… the thought of man upon being evolved passes into the inner world,
and becomes an active entity by associating itself, coalescing we might
term it, with an elemental - that is to say, with one of the
semi-intelligent forces of the kingdoms. It survives as an
active intelligence - a creature of the mind's begetting - for a
longer or shorter period proportionate with the original intensity of the
cerebral action which generated it. Thus a good thought is perpetuated as
an active, beneficient power, an evil one as a maleficient demon. And so
man is continually peopling his current in space with a world of his own,
crowded with the offspring of his fancies, desires, impulses, passions…
which reacts upon any sensitive or nervous organisations which comes in
contact with it, in proportion to its dynamic energy.

which comes almost direct from

and more. What planet are you on? Ivan

, D42 Kandinskij

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Ivan Pope wrote:

No, actually it doesn't come from there at all, Ivan.
Nor was it written to you, or with you in mind.
It was written to Joseph McElroy with a specific purpose
which does not concern you at all.

Go masturbate your ego elsewhere, illiterate ape.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, D42 Kandinskij

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Ivan Pope wrote:

> > Avoid using text written by others to peddle your ego, idiot.
> But K dearest, that is exactly what you have a long habit of doing: for
> example on Nov 19th you posted:

+ No, Ivan dearest. I have no ego. I am doing something else altogether.
Keep yoour myopic projections to yourself.
You're incapable + unqaulified to 'speak' of the ego.


+ Merely you are attempting to slap labels you do not understand
in order to attempt to debase another (ego-peddling).

We highly recommend you keep your masochistic impulses to yourself.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42