The Ballad of Henry Neptune--FIRST VERSE (in progress)

…love poke lightly in melodrama grease seals orchid
distance of plod chafing defrag lordship sentient with
water like wafer epoch strokes Northern Alliance stats
quagmire in luncheon sheen of sheer tap inside
desolation's dirty mouth sauce loudly trimmed with
opal dugout genome pilsners lip surgery of foam feet
junked-out in spatial knowledge that trills lint
aberrations as her boredom crawls a leaded sky down
white spider fluid bending Henry Neptune of umpteenth
brick-layer like a coat or toke on sleepy taking
muscle visits from frame marvel knocked worsted suite
of pallid diligent photo noises almost realistic in
camphor alignment…
Imagine, if you will, a world without stabs of
blink-wet ovules furred-over with ossification. A
world where old guards string vessel-text from
tap-root reviews across awnings of peculiar regional
intensity. A world in which species spillage nullifies
villager caravan trapezoids. All this and more is now
available with xxxxxxx.
xxxxxxx is a light polymer dream about going to work
unknowingly out of uniform. You stride in
unsuspecting, the last of morning coffee's hotflash
boring nets out of your innards. Overnight, for
reasons best left unsaid, your supervisor smeared a
fractured sky across your retail ceiling. Markdowns
drift unmoored like vaporous set-pieces overhead. YOU
will, when combined with a sensible diet and regular
visits to your gynecologist, enhance the depth of
color rolling over you.
–Do you think it might be too much, your supervisor
This is tricky, you surmise, like losing
consciousness at the touch of a web-tendril from the
albino spider online you dreamed of during last
night's deconstruction of sex. Should you tell her
what you really think? That this phantasmagoria
turning thickening waning convoluting above your head
just may be bad for business? That the American
consumer is skittish, and may not want to be reminded
of all they miss by entering the synthetic sphere of
modern climate-and-spatio-aurally contrived shopping?
That you find her lust for domination of both you and
the hapless shopping community unappealing at best? Or
should you simply agree with her, and suffer the black
and vaguely metallic taste of your own cowardice
overrunning your mouth and throat to the point that
your recurring acid reflux is a welcome respite?
You shuffle and cough.
So you want to kill yourself…fair enough. But have
you fully considered why you want to do this? The
world is full of suicides that didn't comprehend their
own reasons for finally acting on the death wish. One
friend of mine, a true psychopath we'll call here
Henry Neptune, chose an incredibly novel way to end
his sojourn on Earth, one most fitting to both his
temperment and his predicament: he smothered himself
in lint. It took months to collect enough lint to
accomplish this, so you can be sure that Henry had
time to think it over.
I've got to mention, right off, before I tell you
anything about Henry, that I don't normally associate
with people like this: I'm a lawyer, a highly
successful lawyer, and the chances of my path crossing
the path of the likes of Neptune are normally quite
slim. But I'd taken on a case that seemed, at first
glance, quite minor: I was defending our town's water
park, the Foam Feet, against an injury claim by one
Wafer Lordship, who maintained that the managers and
overseers of the Foam Feet hadn't mentioned to him
that the rush of water at the park could at peak
season exceed comfortable decibel limits. The rush of
water at the Foam Feet during peak season was
deafening, and Mr. Lordship, being foolish enough not
to wear the earplugs provided in his associate
package, was, well, deafened.
–Oh, I don't know, you say, stepping back from her
just in case the talons pop out.
–You don't like it?
–How did you get it to move like that?
–It's lead paint. Mixed with a little weapons-grade
plutonium. They interact in the most fascinating


Anningan (in progress)\_lacook.html
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