Kissinger's Back

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BlankKissinger's Back…As 9/11 Truth-Seeker

Asking Henry Kissinger to investigate government malfeasance or nonfeasance=
is akin to asking Slobodan Milosevic to investigate war crimes. Pretty dam=
n akin, since Kissinger has been accused, with cause, of engaging in war cr=
imes of his own. Moreover, he has been a poster-child for the worst excesse=
s of secret government and secret warfare. Yet George W. Bush has named him=
to head a supposedly independent commission to investigate the nightmarish=
attacks of September 11, 2001, a commission intended to tell the public wh=
at went wrong on and before that day. This is a sick, black-is-white, war-i=
s-peace joke–a cruel insult to the memory of those killed on 9/11 and a sc=
rew-you affront to any American who believes the public deserves a full acc=
ounting of government actions or lack thereof. It's as if Bush instructed h=
is advisers to come up with the name of the person who literally would be t=
he absolute worst choice for the post and, once they had, said, "sign him u=

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<DIV>Kissinger's Back…As 9/11 Truth-Seeker<BR><BR>Asking Henry Kissinger =
investigate government malfeasance or nonfeasance is akin to asking Sloboda=
Milosevic to investigate war crimes. Pretty damn akin, since Kissinger has =
accused, with cause, of engaging in war crimes of his own. Moreover, he has=
a poster-child for the worst excesses of secret government and secret warfa=
Yet George W. Bush has named him to head a supposedly independent commissio=
n to
investigate the nightmarish attacks of September 11, 2001, a commission int=
to tell the public what went wrong on and before that day. This is a sick,=

black-is-white, war-is-peace joke–a cruel insult to the memory of those ki=
on 9/11 and a screw-you affront to any American who believes the public des=
a full accounting of government actions or lack thereof. It's as if Bush
instructed his advisers to come up with the name of the person who literall=
would be the absolute worst choice for the post and, once they had, said, "=
him up." <BR><BR><A
