Curt Cloniger's door

And so I return to this energy within the spine and I find it to be
absolutely pure. I find no negativity within it–I find only the purest
of essence.

One may wish to observe Cloniger's subsequent attempt at hateful
slander which doesn't check out even on the simplest factual level.
When you attack another, you attack yourself, dearest. You damage
your own nervous and other non-physical systems by ..

Additionally, this behavior depletes your conscious energy.

The result? A barely functioning idiot, capable only of
lashing out at that which is beyond its grasp.

This is the essence through which man can free himself from
this world of dualism. For as long as he is subjected to these two
fields, the heaven and the earth, man will continue to struggle against
this resistance. But once he becomes aware that there is another
dimension beyond these fields of attraction and repulsion, he will begin
to seek the gateway to his ultimate freedom.

But first man must dare to think beyond the world of form this is the
key. For as long as man clings to the world of form he only continues to
look into the mirror of his own delusion.

That delusion contains beautiful things,

beautiful props,

but it is still the world of delusion.

In effect it's like being in control of a tremendous source of electricity
(of which we are guardians). And by our attitudes, our acts, our
words, our thoughts, and feelings we either close the gate on this energy,
or open it so it can be utilized.

Curt Cloniger has slammted the door + initiated his own decay.

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