the feeding of the parasite

Joseph McElroy writes:

> The craftsman teaches me about precision while I teach him about
> relationships.

The leech attaches itself + feeds by 'teaching about relationships.'

> We are simulataneously taking superior and inferior positions
> relative to each other and by this acheive a mutual respect.

The see-saw of the self-importance mechanism. The craftsman
gives Joseph its skill which hasn't got anything to do
with 'superior and inferior positions', while Joseph
offers in return ego-driven vampirism.

Elsewhere, the empty-shell has written:

the community


the power of giving

+ its behavior constitutes in abusing an inaccurate and non-existent
concept of 'community' to offer 'relationships' in exchange for
actual effort, energy, talent.

+ it forces its friendship in the forms of 'we are all friends'

+ peddling 'sharing' in a typical

the other has life-force

and Joseph offers a 'relationship.'

He will teach you how to be identified with your base natures
that is, anger, fear, self-pity, neediness, co-dependence,
weakness, helplessness, state of passive sensorial input
receptors, in exchange for your energy.

Won't you tell us next, how you wish to project awareness
of such behavior in others not as intelligence, but as bitterness?

And how everyone needs to be a wide-eyed, naive 'just believe
and let it happen to you' child, while you continuously attempt
what amounts to energetic rape?

And how those who point out your behavior of the sort to others
are simply 'failures'?

Yes, dearest kids. You must suceeed in society, at the cost
of remaining perpetual wide-eyed soul-less children-dolls.

And really, really, having a spirit and being a warrior and
'fighting' against this is bad, bad, bad.

How does one tame a child king-cobra not to defend itself,
grow up and be powerful + self-autonomous + capable of ACTING
out of its own will?

Well, we first try to get them while they're asleep in their eggs.

Those who manage to hatch are attempted to be trained by pain
and mesmerising 'theories' and 'musics' and 'art' and 'stories'
about the 'humans' 'community' 'freedom' 'intelligence'
'empathy' etc etc.

Ah the joys of humanity.