curt's idopcy pt.2

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Curt Cloninger wrote:

> He didn't just have one wife. The one he married that was a dancer,
> he thought she was awake too.

.Apropos Lloyd's wife, Cloniger makes debasory + kitschifying
kommentaries. Has been zmak'd for same + consequently initiated
persecutory attack in slanderous manner + invasion of privacy.

.+ also attempting to reduce Wright to someone whose wordz hold
no validity besides 'opinions'.

> > > Wisdom is proved right by her actions.
> >
> > Which is simply not true :)
> So you assert.

.Attempt to do above to what was stated to him as well,
even though there have been no assertions made from this side,
only statements of fact+yes, some are capable of such, Curt.

> > Wisdom is invisible and inaccessible to most humans,
> but it can be revealed.

.+ Attempting to kitschify 'wisdom'-sophia into a strippable whore.

> > least of all
> > 'acting' in the manner of 'making cool stuff'.
> actions aren't wisdom. they are evidence of wisdom.

.The brain-obsessed aoe who fanciez taht wisdomis subject to its
primitive sensorial inputs + a slave to itz brain.

> > That humans are asleep, by the way is an objective fact, but not in
> > the way you THINK WITH YOUR BRAIN re: what facts are.
> To assert that something is an objective fact does not make that
> something an objective fact.

.Continuous attemptz to debase presented facts as 'assertions'
.more flat idiocy. This by the way he's even attempting to
.pass on as 'dialogue' (has so far dismissed everything said,
inattemptz to one-up itz ego + bloated self-importance).

> It may well be an objective fact,

.the Diktatorial ape fancies reality dancez to the 'permissions'
set by itz brain.

> if you want me to agree with you or even understand you,

.the simpleton fanciez itself 'courted' + reducing
what iz being said as 'subjective' (as relative to 'me').
.ttzt. what is written via 'me' is not_ about 'me' +
objective + true.

> you have to do more than merely assert.

.more debasory attemptz demanding 'proofs' + general
brain-kontrol attemptz, the intentions being to
disempower + make the 'other' play along with itz brain idiocy

> interesting (unfounded) assertions all.

.which none of them were. az above.

> My turn: humans were created as humans.

.obzerve the ape attempting to pass itz_ unfounded opinion
and assertions as truth

> they haven't evolved from anything and they are not evolving
> into anything else.

.more drivel from an unqualified imbecile + as above
.curt cloninger 'dialogue' consitutes in one-upmanship
attemptz, debasing of the other + propagating his ego

> humans have a
> chance to realize the reason for which they are created, but they
> realize it not through secret wisdom, but through humility and
> desperation.

.as above

> although I believe the above, I would never just assert it to you
> pointblank like that, or to anybody.

.so he says but observe how he is AND_ attempting to enforce_
it in a backhanded manner + invasion of privacy below
which is really_ thepurpose of his 'dialoguing'
.the dictatorial brain obsessed murderous ape attempting
to FIXATE (control) another human + allow hiz ego
to feed on the other'z energy

> I'd find out where you're coming from. Where you live. What you're
> name is. What your history is. I'd get to know you. I'd find out why
> you believe what you belive. I'd present my real self to you as best I
> could.

.all of the above–devices created by modern society at 'trapping'
humans + contrary to any sort of 'wisdom' which teaches that
source of misery is attachment (+ego). Nobody OWES you the above data
Curt Cloniger. You request the above data so you may feel 'safe +
secure' having figured the other one out + beingable to
knee-jerk the familar buttonz.

.Observe that when refused the above data in private, Cloniger
has disrespected another's wishes + attempted to obtain such
data by violence (dictatorial polizei tactics).

> Then I'd offer what I believe, answer your questions about it, and leave
> it up to you.

.No, dearezt. You won't. You're incapable of such.
Have been 'offering' what you believe all along via your actions,
+ have attempted to enforce_ it + disrespecting others as well.

> As an exercise, choose one of the following:
> 1. send me a link to something you've made

.the demanding + arrogant ape attempting to use 'dialogue'
as dictating another's behavior

> 2. send me a picture of you


> 3. tell me where you live and how you make money

.more laughable diktatoril ape behavior.
why should anyone_ tell you where s/he lives?
why do you fancy yourself accosting humas on the street or on a list
and demanding that they OWE you information about where they live?!
and how they make money?

. because the diktatorial middle-classe ignorant ape can do only one
thing: attempt to judge, murder + control

.no human on this planet is created to reply to cloniger idiot
and when that has been pointed out to hi and he's been laughed at
he has issued arrogant 'game over' e-mails (as if =have accosted him)

.that is: cloniger approached D42 on street, demanded explanation
of what D42 does, as well as personal info, and when refused
one such, has attempted to murder D42 + 'frisk' for personal

.take your polizei attitude elsewhere, idiot

.+ also Cloniger has been told reality: that some humans, namely D42
do not need_ to make money due to familial situations + only do so
because enjoy it, at which point jealous + hateful ape has thrown
a fit + threatened (typikl, typikl).

> 4. tell me something concrete about your actual past.

.has been told reality: D42 has no past (as 'past' = programmatic
control mechanism via genetics + cultural pogramming + ego
which keeps the human enslaved), ie, Cloniger imbecile
continues to demand + enforce enslavement upon another
(while maintaining that objective wisdom = 'only an assertion'
+Cloniger's ego delusions=true+true, ie summary: Cloniger
idiot attemptz to diskonnekt humanz from liberty, kontrol
+ murder them (+ their.soul-essence) + replikate this ego
(i shall trap you in programmatic behvaior + when du=incapacitated
and defenseless and reduced to sensprial input helpless device
Cloniger, shall merely 'state my beliefs = leave it up to you'
sob.sob we are so touched by your grand GESTURINGS o messia-egotistic

brain-induced violence of incapacitating other human units,
feeding on their essence + attempting to use their empty shellz
as vehicles for EGO propgatantions (Max G2k actually fancies
that he's the source of 'new seeds' (religions)).

Exemplification of the REAL_ source of human suffering
(the egotistical middle class simpleton who refuses
to wake up): = the powerless midle.class (bourgeois ape)
attempting to persecute anyone who has achieved anything
or is more 'worthy' than it, be them actual_ artists,
politicians, 'evil capitalists,' 'religion' and all
manner of other idiocy perceived by the herd as 'evil'.

> If you're unwilling to do any of those things,

.You mean if I won't do as you say, idiota.

> I can have similar conversations with robots.

.Aie!!! If we dont do as Cloniger-arsehole says we are robotz!

Avoid attempting to persecute humans + their acquaintances +
nose in their personal_ + private lives, bank accounts,
living + mental + other.internal spaces, you idiotic
pornography-obsessed sub-mediocre egotistical marionette.