The Unstitute: visit new virtual worlds + open submissions

Capitalism is a machine for the production of waste.

This month at The Unstitute…


Eden Mitsenmacher
Patrick Moser
Saturn Fishing

screening from_15/05/15_to_15/06/15

This month The Unstitute presents a double bill of artists' videos selected from a huge variety of open submissions. We trust you will find them both complementary and moving.

"…Personal experiences such as love, loneliness and longing are taken at face value but are immediately turned into points of systematic general inquiry. The banal becomes serious, and vice versa. Presenting hyper-worlds, built from cultural stereotypes and clichés, then pushed to the brink of emotional overload."
Eden Mitsenmacher (IL/UK)

"I make paintings, drawings and experimental performance videos. I am excited by physical and emotional spaces that are simultaneously heavy and light, something like the experience of one’s own child, a conflation of deep love and profound fear. I find the intentional misuse of tools thrilling, seeding new outcomes, shaping fantasy, melancholy and futility."
Patrick Moser (USA)

Visit The Projection Room:





Ever wondered who - or what - was behind the door late at night? Keyhole is an obscene fragment from de Oratore - an experimental archive at The Unstitute just waiting to be explored.

Listen to "de Oratore":


Call for submissions: [dis]CORPORATE_BODIES

Undermining the Institution
an Evolving [an]Archive


We are open to submissions for the next edition of [dis]Corporate Bodies; a project which under-mines the Institution. We want to see digital material in any format which relates to specifically to the Architecture of the Institution - and ways in which it can be subverted. This activity could involve plans, excavations, extractions, subversions, criticisms - by selecting an institution and actively mining the fabric upon which its 'institutional' structure and status rests.

You can view previous editions of [dis]Corporate Bodies by following the link below. The Unstitute thrives on the motivation of contributors - all submissions are treated with respect - but we do encourage all applicants to read the project brief here, as well as to explore The Unstitute to see a little more about what we are trying to build.

Visit [dis]Corporate Bodies:



Open Submissions
@ The Unstitute


The Unstitute invites submissions for these projects:

The Projection Room - monthly feature screenings @ The Unstitute

[dis]Corporate Bodies - an evolving environment @ The Unstitute

Vidiot - a place for watching and being watched @ The Unstitute

Spatio-Mnemonic - take up a virtual residency @ The Unstitute

We aim to process applications within two weeks of receipt.

Apply now!