TransX Transmission Art Symposium performances

  • Type: event
  • Location: the Wychwood Theatre, 601 Christie St, #176, Toronto, ON, CA
  • Starts: May 22 2015 at 12:00AM
  • outbound link ↱
May 22 & 23 @ 8 PM @ the Wychwood Theatre, 601 Christie #176
Each night: $15/$10 student or FREE with TransX Symposium registration

The first night of the TransX Transmission Art Symposium features performances by keynote speakers Knut Aufermann and Sarah Washington who are artists in residence during Deep Wireless co-presented by NAISA and the Goethe-Institut Toronto. They will be joined by Peter Flemming performing with a new sound sculpture he had been developing. The second evening will include works by Doug Van Nort, Elliott Fienberg and Sarah Boothroyd.

May 22 - Tonic Train (Knut Aufermann & Sarah Washington)
& VibWav by Peter Flemming

Tonic Train is the long-standing experimental electronics duo of Sarah Washington and Knut Aufermann (aka Mobile Radio). The combination of Sarah's homemade circuit-bent instruments and Knut's feedback mixer creates a rich spectrum of fundamental electronic noises. They combine two methods of electronic music production: the appropriation of electronic circuits to make components produce otherwise unwanted sounds and the improper use of audio equipment to make it feed back. This includes a specific interest in radio technology, and micro transmission is an important part of the sound field they create.

VibWav by Peter Flemming - All materials have a natural resonant frequency. VibWav is a sound performance based on this simple but intriguing phenomenon. Heavily improvised with makeshift instrumentation, a variety of objects are brought in and out of resonance over the full range of the audible spectrum.

May 23 - A dispersion of elements by Doug Van Nort, Audible Conversions by Elliott Fienberg & Castles in the Air by Sarah Boothroyd

A dispersion of elements by Doug Van Nort intersects the open airwaves nature of transmission arts with the distributed potential of telematic music performance. Audible Conversions by Elliott Fienberg uses a wind sensor that in turn controls an AM/FM radio which is then further processed inside a computer. Castles in the Air by Sarah Boothroyd explores: Death and reason; Dark matter and dreams; Black holes and belief; Fear and infinity.