Vivisection of Psychotik Leeches Live

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:

> See new work and exchange life experience for artwork.

Or also known as: exchange life.force to feed an egotistical idiot's
'performance artist ikon'.

Did I forget to mention? The human psycho-sexual mechanism
aka belief is not created so that it may be 'hooked' by
narcissistic faux-artists who need someone else to
'believe' in them.

In fact, this is how chimerical hallucinatory mechanisms
which keep humans asleep are maintained: with the 'blood'
(read energy) of the asleep, utilized to maintain a fallacious
'splendorous' ikon for frauds.

If you were real dearest joseph, you wouldn't be asking
others to 'believe' in you, and you'd know what the belief's
mechanism purpose is, and I ain't tel;ling you that.

So tell us Joseph, what deal did you make with your ego
that it convinced you that it's the 'real' thing so you
threw your essence away? Hmm?

And why are you trying to 'convince' others that you're 'real'
by attempting to hook their attention? Hmm?


, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

<blah blah blah>

hello K+, did you sleep well? You are still quite groggy. You should be sure to
be completely awake before you start speaking. Otherwise, one might confuse
your words with babble.

It seems to me that you are asking if I am a coca cola. I drink diet coke,
which raises the question - which is the "real" thing? I mean, just because
one came before the other does not mean the first is the real thing. What is a
"real" cola drink? Any answer you can give, I can find it insufficient.

See, there is a convenient truth. Any answer is insufficient. That completly
delights me, and will not be pleasant for you.

caio my friend

joseph (cor e form art) + (porat per ance ist)
frank + lyn - mc + El + roy

go shopping ->
call me 646 279 2309

[email protected]

> On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:
> > See new work and exchange life experience for artwork.
> Or also known as: exchange life.force to feed an egotistical idiot's
> 'performance artist ikon'.
> Did I forget to mention? The human psycho-sexual mechanism
> aka belief is not created so that it may be 'hooked' by
> narcissistic faux-artists who need someone else to
> 'believe' in them.
> In fact, this is how chimerical hallucinatory mechanisms
> which keep humans asleep are maintained: with the 'blood'
> (read energy) of the asleep, utilized to maintain a fallacious
> 'splendorous' ikon for frauds.
> If you were real dearest joseph, you wouldn't be asking
> others to 'believe' in you, and you'd know what the belief's
> mechanism purpose is, and I ain't tel;ling you that.
> So tell us Joseph, what deal did you make with your ego
> that it convinced you that it's the 'real' thing so you
> threw your essence away? Hmm?
> And why are you trying to 'convince' others that you're 'real'
> by attempting to hook their attention? Hmm?

, D42 Kandinskij

On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:

> hello K+, did you sleep well? You are still quite groggy.

Wishful derogatory projection + attempt to change subject.

What was written was accurate.

> You should be sure to be completely awake before you start speaking.

As above.

> Otherwise, one might confuse your words with babble.

The only one whose words are babble is you, dear idiot.

> It seems to me that you are asking if I am a coca cola. I drink diet coke,
> which raises the question - which is the "real" thing? I mean, just because
> one came before the other does not mean the first is the real thing. What is a
> "real" cola drink? Any answer you can give, I can find it insufficient.

Delusional idiotic drivel.

Avoid changing the subject inorder to dismiss what was written about you

> See, there is a convenient truth. Any answer is insufficient. That completly
> delights me, and will not be pleasant for you.

I have no concern with your 'answers'. You're incapable of any
save delusional gibberish and leeching.

And this meaningless drivel is not going to let you off the hook,
nor your pitiful attempts at 'character assassination'
in order to attempt to invalidate the accurate_ picture_
painted of what you are.

And this my dearest, is art_. Nothing you're capable of.

> caio my friend

I'm not your friend, delusional needy, unduly familiar
psychotic ape.

, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> Wishful derogatory projection + attempt to change subject.

There is no subject to change.

> Avoid changing the subject inorder to dismiss what was written about you
> ape.

There was nothing written about me.

> And this meaningless drivel is not going to let you off the hook,
> nor your pitiful attempts at 'character assassination'
> in order to attempt to invalidate the accurate_ picture_
> painted of what you are.

I am not on a hook nor has anyone, much less you, painted an accurate picture
of me. You have an amusing cartoon of me that you try to pass off as an
accurate portrait (as if such could exist - you are a simple person)

> And this my dearest, is art_.

Now you make me laugh, a deep throaty laugh. I laugh so hard that the top of my
teeth hurt.

> I'm not your friend, delusional needy, unduly familiar
> psychotic ape.

I am your best friend. My friend.

joseph (cor e form art) + (porat per ance ist)
frank + lyn - mc + El + roy

go shopping ->
call me 646 279 2309

[email protected]

, D42 Kandinskij

On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:

> There is no subject to change.

Yes there is. And you are attemptin to change it again.
The subject is your behavior and psychotic ego-feeding.

> There was nothing written about me.

Rather the opposite dearest. Everything I have written to you, is about
YOU only :)

Denial won't change a thing.

> I am not on a hook

Yes you are baby.

> nor has anyone, much less you, painted an accurate picture of me.

Actually dearest, I_ have_ painted a very clear and accurate picture of
YOU. Not the YOU that you fantasize that you are, but your actual

> You have an amusing cartoon of me that you try to pass off as an
> accurate portrait

No dearest, I don't have a 'cartoon' of you. I have YOU.
You're plainly obvious, despite all those games that you
play with yourself, telling yourself that you're not what you are.

Since you failed to hear it the first time, I'll tell it to you again:
I am not looking at your PRETENSES dearest, but what is behind them.

> (as if such could exist - you are a simple person)

Certainly portraits do exist. And accurate ones.
I am not a simple person dearest: your attempts to present me
to be some knee-jerk wishful derogatory cardboard cut-out inside your
brain are symptomatic of your own ATTEMPTS to project the 'cartoonish'
flat persona of your ego outwards onto me.

Sorry but no-no. Failed again, love–and you always will.

> > And this my dearest, is art_.
> >
> Now you make me laugh, a deep throaty laugh. I laugh so hard that the top of my
> teeth hurt.

The ape grimaces in pain + fear. Laugh you cannot.
Only grimace in attempted self-important dismissal.

But the portrait is accurate, and you keeo assissting us in painting it.

> > I'm not your friend, delusional needy, unduly familiar
> > psychotic ape.
> I am your best friend. My friend.

No dearest, you're not my friend, nor 'best friend'.

Could you debase yourself a bit more?

Peddling yourself so fervently, in wishful attempts to
'damage' the other by attacking such things as the other's
sense of friendship.

You only debase yourself, Joseph.

Egotistical psycho.

, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> The subject is your behavior and psychotic ego-feeding.

That is YOUR subject, though why you would choose me and my behavior for
analysis conjours up amusing images. I do not limit myself to your choice of

> Rather the opposite dearest. Everything I have written to you, is about
> YOU only :)

And everything I have written to you, is TO you, but not only. As for yourself,
you are only writing approximations which are easily applied to generic mockup
humans. You have become the knee-jerk reactionary with cartoon cutouts. You
see through the illusion that a lot of people make of their lives, yet don't
realize the illusion that you are living.

> > I am not on a hook
> Yes you are baby.

Your belief in eventual payback for "evil" is as much displaced as my Aunt
Polly's. If it does exist, it will payback all religious leaders for the great
crimes against humanity they perpetuate. Your authoritative self-knowledgable
condemnation is the postuering of a self-important human who never learned to
work well with others and decided to blame the failure on the others instead of

I recently met a remarkable craftsman, able to execute wonderful works of
woodwork. He is an incredible fountain of information, with knowledge of
science, philosophy, and others domains. He is fanatical about precision and
invents improvements to manufacturing machinery to make them better. He
derides other wood workers for the lax workmanship. He is personable, and
reasonably liked by others, though most also think he can be a bore. He is
financially stable, and able to provide a decent standard of living to his

Yet, he is sad. I talked with him for several hours. He cannot get the world
to understand the importance of fine workmanship such as his, thus he is not
able to achieve the financial status that would allow him the luxary to take
time off. He tried to hire workers and become a bigger shop, but failed
because the workers were not good enough and the jobs did not come fast
enough. So he went it alone. And alone he is, doing very precise work of
which he is proud. Yet he is alone, and sad that he didn't reach the heights
he imagined great craftmenship would take him to.

And now he is bitter, at architects for their bad drawings. At owners for their
bad choices. At other wood workers for their stupidity. At the world for not
valuing his work.

Anybody who comes into his shop, HAS to listen to his boring tales. They have
to agree to the precision of his knowledge. They have to be willing to
acknowledge his superior work. Or he throws them out of the shop, because,
after all, it is HIS shop.

Where he works alone. Bitter and not as recognized as he should be. Because he
could not understand how to work with other humans who did not meet his level
of superiority. But he believes it is not his fault, no, it is the others.
There is something inherently wrong with the others. That is his belief (which
he thinks is knowledge because he contains so much information)

The problem is his self importance. It is too large. The opposite of a huge
ego, a self-important person is also a failure. A person who distains
community is as much a leech as a person who consumes it. For the one takes
all, the other contributes none and still takes.

So though I see him for what he is, I still like to talk to him for I can
learn. And he has recognized that I can help him, and has asked for my help in
finding new clients. He even gave me some of his wood to incorporate into my
paintings. He is really not that bad of a guy, just bitter and caught in a
mind trap of his own device. Friendship is helping.

joseph (cor e form art) + (porat per ance ist)
frank + lyn - mc + El + roy

go shopping ->
call me 646 279 2309

[email protected]

, D42 Kandinskij

yOn Mon, 25 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:

> That is YOUR subject,

No dearest. That is THE subject. There is nothing of 'me' mine' in this
situation. I am not you + do not operate in purely 'subjective'
egotistical reality as you.

> though why you would choose me and my behavior for
> analysis conjours up amusing images.

Nobody chose you. You walked in front of the mirror.
I am not conjuring any images my dearest. Your brain is knee-jerking
cardboard cutouts, in attempts to impose them on 'me'.
You're talking to yourself.

> I do not limit myself to your choice of subjects.

I have not 'made choice of subjects'.
You are the subject. Youcannot talk about anything bt yourself,
and 'you' are not that delusional story you tell yourself
about yourself, which is simply so many ways of inflating
your ego. Your 'freedom' of subjects is a delusion.

> > Rather the opposite dearest. Everything I have written to you, is about
> > YOU only :)
> And everything I have written to you, is TO you, but not only.

No dearest, you're not caoable of writing TO ANYONE.
You're only caopable of talking about yourself to yourself,
and the case will remainso until you dealwith your ego + self.

> As for yourself,

You're not capable of observing or commenting on 'myself' dearest.
YOURSELF here is = Joseph.

> you are only writing approximations
> which are easily applied to generic mockup humans.

No dearest. This is what YOU are doing. Including the ABOVE.

What I am doing is an accurate and very precise reflection of YOU,
Joseph. Goplay your idiotic mindfuck verbal diarrhea games
in order to attempt to present it as otherwise ELESEWHERE.

> You have become the knee-jerk reactionary with cartoon cutouts.

No dearest. This is YOU. The cheap trick of the ape: when shown
an accurate reflection of itself, it says ah itz ze mirror's fault.

However it isn't.

> You see through the illusion that a lot of people make of their lives,

I do nothing of the sort.

> yet don't realize the illusion that you are living.

I am not living an illusion dearest, no matter how much you wish to
PROJECT that I do. Your jealous + hateful inability to accept the
above FACT is your own problem, and also largely motivating
your murderous behavior towards other humans.

Inyour case, you've also lost the chance to leave the world of

> > > I am not on a hook
> >
> > Yes you are baby.
> Your belief

I do not have any beliefs, no matte how much you stompyour little

> in eventual payback for "evil" is as much displaced as my Aunt
> Polly's.

Sorry, but I haven't expressed any such beliefs, nor stated anything
of the sort. Your myopic knee-jerk misinterpretations of my behavior
reflect you only. I hav never_ expressed anything amounting to the

> If it does exist, it will payback all religious leaders for the great
> crimes against humanity they perpetuate.

Religious leaders do not perpetuate crimes against humanity,
no matter how much you attempt to peddle YOUR BELIEf as truth.

> Your authoritative self-knowledgable condemnation

There has been no condemnation, least of all mine.
Your wishful myopic misinterpretations of reality haven't
got anything to do with what I do.

> is the postuering of a self-important human

Sorry dearest, I do not posture: never have.
I am neither self-important, nor human, nor do ypou have the capacity
to perceive these things.

> who never learned to work well with others

Ah yes. HEre go the cheap approximations brain knee-jerk cut outs.
Keep your debasory projections + self-hatred to yourself ape.

> and decided

We have decided nothing.

> to blame

We do not engage in blame.

> the failure on the others instead of
> themself.

And we are not a failure. YOU are. Your pitiful attempts to present us
as a failure because we depict that you're not the oh-so-wonderful saint
that you fancy yourself to be, and because we EXHIBIT IN PUBLIC the
mediocre + ignorant + talentless ape that you are in ACTUALITY
does not make us a failure.

You're simply playing the idiotic + childish ego-game "if this person
says something about me I dislike s/he must be a loser :(.

As for the remarkable craftsman drivel, it's yet another reflection
of your OWN SELF-IMPORTANCE, Joseph.
No matter how elaborate you make your 'stories'
theya re NOT insightful of others, but simply your EGO attempting
to project its condescension ? pity on them.

What a shame you dont realize that the CRAFTSMAN dearest is YOU, and
nobody else.

Ciao, baby.

, joseph mcelroy

Quoting "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>:

> As for the remarkable craftsman drivel, it's yet another reflection
> of your OWN SELF-IMPORTANCE, Joseph.
> No matter how elaborate you make your 'stories'
> theya re NOT insightful of others, but simply your EGO attempting
> to project its condescension ? pity on them.
> What a shame you dont realize that the CRAFTSMAN dearest is YOU, and
> nobody else.

I don't need to elaborate on these stories, as they exist. However, it is
impossible to comment upon insights without it seeming like condescension.
There very fact that "I see" something they don't implies a superior position
on my part. However, the compensitory effort is to allow others to have
insight into yourself and to allow yourself to be taught be others. Ie. The
craftsman teaches me about precision while I teach him about relationships. We
are simulataneously taking superior and inferior positions relative to each
other and by this acheive a mutual respect.

joseph (cor e form art) + (porat per ance ist)
frank + lyn - mc + El + roy

go shopping ->
call me 646 279 2309

[email protected]

, D42 Kandinskij

On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, joseph (yes) wrote:

> I don't need to elaborate on these stories, as they exist.

You DO elaborate on those stories dearest.
Your pitiful projections about what is going on are SIMPLY
elaborations. You're not capable for perceiving what EXISTS,
peddle yourself as capable of this as you might.

> However, it is impossible to comment upon insights without
> it seeming like condescension.

No dearest. Your story is simply full of CONDESCENSION.
It is not INSIGHTS seeming as condescension.
You're simply attempting to peddle your CONDESCENSION
as insights.

Insight you're not capable of.

> There very fact that "I see" something they don't implies a superior position
> on my part.

You see nothing but your own projections.

> However, the compensitory effort is to allow others to have
> insight into yourself and to allow yourself to be taught be others.

Absolute drivel. One who possesses INSIGHT needs no 'allowance'
to SEE ANOTHER. As for teaching, youcannot TEACH another
before you're CAPABLE of doing so.

> Ie. The craftsman teaches me about precision while I teach him
> about relationships.

You're not qualified to teach anyone about 'relationships'.
You're simply leeching on him.

> We are simulataneously taking superior and inferior positions
> relative to each other and by this acheive a mutual respect.

Yes, byou're simultaneously knee-jerking each other's egos
on self-importance / pity.

That is how humans relate to each other, indeed.

Simultaneously debasing + damaging each other + feeding on
each other's energy, until only flat husks of 'equality' are remained.
