The Unstitute: visit new virtual worlds + open submissions

"Treat your mother tongue as though it were a foreign language."

This month at The Unstitute…


Paul Harrison

screening from_15/04/15_to_15/05/15

"I believe that my film CIRCUMstance (2014) resonates quite deeply with visualising and thinking through everyday images of protest. In that the film is an attempt to understand the digital platforms which dominate our popular and common modes of communication. This can be seen by it’s narrative tactic of using GOOGLE’s programmes to demonstrate their truly global spread and influence. I guess that I created this work to express annoyance toward the fact that technology can accurately map and portray this world so accurately. However, this does seemingly not aid in affective changes in our daily attempt’s to understand why the system’s we live by often fail us as individuals."

Paul Harrison (UK) was born, will animate, and will die.

Visit The Projection Room:



Undermining the Institution
an Evolving [an]Archive


The 6th edition of the [dis]Corporate Bodies project examines notions of Under-Mining the Institution - an activity which could involve plans, excavations, extractions, subversions, criticisms - by selecting an institution and actively mining the fabric upon which its 'institutional' structure and status rests.

The videos chosen this month are connected together by any number of specific threads relating to capacities, volumes, appearances, refractions, chaotic changes and constants. The solidity of an institution, its status, its weight, may depend equally upon abstract metaphors as it does upon hefty structures of steel and concrete. At the same time, the process of 'institutionalization' - physically, mentally, economically, artistically or socially - can never be fully reached reached so long as there is some way of going down, underground.

Featuring works by Marion Tampon-Lajariette (AUS), Mark Tholander (DK), Mariana Meloni (BR), Jenny Vogel (US), mirjamsvideos (PT), and mobtik (DE).

Visit [dis]Corporate Bodies:



The right angle.
by CADE/Bettany Unction


The right angle. is an excerpt from Neo London - a major new archival project commissioned by The Unstitute to house materials collected by the irregular urbanist CADE during the London Crisis of late 2012. Consisting of a diverse array of videos, sound recordings, topographical data and other supporting evidence, the archive charts the Crisis from its insignificant beginnings to the veritable collapse of the social order…

Ever felt as though you were trapped in a corner? A simple figure of speech can sometimes be a trap in itself.

Visit The Cutting Room:



Open Submissions
@ The Unstitute


The Unstitute invites submissions for these projects:

The Projection Room - monthly feature screenings @ The Unstitute

[dis]Corporate Bodies - an evolving environment @ The Unstitute

Vidiot - a place for watching and being watched @ The Unstitute

Spatio-Mnemonic - take up a virtual residency @ The Unstitute

We aim to process applications within two weeks of receipt.

Apply now!