
I don't know if I read about unloading
that truck this morning or. Smoking

with a dim wink of vague sky scrolling
over my face and hands, glasses and

goatee, slice of Swiss in my teeth for they're

moving poems off the blotter and into the signshop,
where Hugh Heffner, all a-dribble with building,
simulates a talent search with a reach to land

unculled from any guidebook's preface. Eyes

and ears, nose and mouth before you see them
touch down on pop-up window purgation,

epicenter more natural than feng shui. I don't
know if these boxes come with anything more

analogous to the present than this. Rain. Ammonia.

2:39 PM 11/21/02


Anningan (in progress)
meditation, net art, poeisis: blog

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