The Unstitute: fragmented virtual bodies + call for submissions

This month @ The Unstitute…


Brandon Aleson
Blood Let

screening from_15/03/15_to_15/04/15

"By extracting my own blood, exposing it to external action and substance - making it into a blood sausage - and then consuming it, this process of change is run from start to finish in a closed system. How will this action change the blood itself? Will it alter the constitution of my physical or personal body? Will this be a product of the action, the physical substance, or both? Where, exactly, does the change occur?"

Extraction, ingestion, defecation. Brandon Aleson (US) interrupts the flow of internal circuitry in this visceral performative video.

enter The Projection Room:



Undermining the Institution
an Evolving [an]Archive

The 5th edition of the [dis]Corporate Bodies project examines notions of the fragmented body through works that take apart bodily integrity, attrition and corporal politics in cultural expression.Through a variety of constraints, processes and psychological scenarios, these 'bodies' are being subjected to the process of objectification; of a body-as-tool, or of the body entering a purely linguistic state, or - as Kafka saw it - the body as surface of inscription.

Featuring works by Gili Avissar (IL), Mark Carr (UK), Amelia Johannes (AUS), Marta Ivanova (LT), along with anonymous works from The Department of Fictions at The Unstitute.

Enter [dis]Corporate Bodies:



You like that
by The Unstitute

Over a period of 4 months, The Unstitute became the object of a series of Obscene Letters which were deemed unfit for publication. The material was sent to a specialist named CADE; he was instructed to translate the letters into VideoForm for public dissemination.

'You like that' is a disturbing underwater foray into the world of hardcore linguistic nihilism.

Enter The Cutting Room:



Open Submissions
@ The Unstitute

The Unstitute invites submissions for these projects:

The Projection Room - monthly feature screenings @ The Unstitute

[dis]Corporate Bodies - an evolving environment @ The Unstitute

Vidiot - a place for watching and being watched @ The Unstitute

Spatio-Mnemonic - take up a virtual residency @ The Unstitute

We aim to process applications within two weeks of receipt.
We look forward to your submissions!
